20-21 LTS Annual Report

The Lehigh Libraries partnered with 81 Eastern Academic Scholars Trust (EAST) libraries who have all agreed to keep and preserve titles that are unique, scarcely held, or in high-demand. Lehigh has identified over 40,000 titles that are now available to other partners for lending. In turn, the Lehigh community now has access to selected scholarly collections in our EAST partners’ libraries. Faculty researchers can now benefit from our Pivot grants-searching database, ORCID open researcher ID infrastructure, data and mapping tool PolicyMap, and access to medical research literature through MEDLINE Complete. We expanded our OverDrive offerings to include a richer and more diverse array of voices by adding collections of works by Arab-American, Hispanic, Asian-American, BIPOC, and Pacific Islander authors, books celebrating Pride Month, texts on educational justice, and works of poetry, biography, and history. The 700 ebooks and audiobooks saw 1,200 checkouts in AY 2020-21. Lehigh migrated interlibrary loan services to Project ReShare, a system that expands the number of titles offered to our users by allowing interoperability between ILL systems. As a founding member of Project ReShare, Lehigh Libraries contribute staff time and expertise to the project. The Lehigh Libraries participated in the HathiTrust Emergency Temporary Access Service (ETAS), which makes it possible for member library patrons to obtain access to select digital materials in HathiTrust during times of crisis or closure. The Library enhanced access and discovery of newly purchased electronic resources via FOLIO and VuFind open source library systems developed by library staff. We partnered with Lehigh University Art Galleries to finalize the work of cataloging the LUAG reference collection, making more works discoverable. 02. ADVANCING RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP EXPANDING ACCESS TO LIBRARY MATERIALS Our Libraries were pioneering contributors to Controlled Digital Lending (CDL), which enhances access to digitized versions of print books. Starting in April 2020, Lehigh’s University Librarian began convening the CDL Implementers' monthly forums. Over 900 individuals from collaborating libraries, consortia, software developers, and resource sharing leaders began participating in the CDLI mailing list. INNOVATING IN THE LIBRARIES The Libraries completed Lehigh’s migration from the Open Library Environment Integrated Library system to FOLIO, the next generation open-source, cloud-hosted library platform. As one of the first libraries to successfully migrate to FOLIO, Lehigh has provided demonstrations for other university libraries, including CalTech, Vassar, and many others. Lehigh became the official archive for the Open Library Environment (OLE) initiative archive and is collecting material from founding and board member organizations. Together with Columbia University and New York University, Lehigh Libraries began exploring how to utilize the open source library ebook reader SimplyE and connect it to our discovery system VuFind. Lehigh Libraries led work on the Collaborative Collection Lifecycle Platform (CCLP) initiative. By strengthening partnerships with university presses and not-for-profit providers and giving small publishers and open access providers the same logistical footing as established for-profit publishers, CCLP aims to increase the diversity and representation of works available to users. R E S E A R C H & S C H O L A R S H I P 12 | L I BRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERV I CES