
70 | LEHIGH ALUMNI BULLETIN | CLASS NOTES Japan, in September 2022 to join Morgan Stanley as the new head of Asia infrastructure transformation. Laura Bridgewater recently had an essay published in the magazine Oh Reader!, a quarterly publication that describes itself as being a “magazine about reading, for and by readers. It looks deep into the art of reading—why we do it, how it affects us, who we are when we read and how we’re all connected through words.” Her essay is about her time working part time at a nearby Borders while attending Lehigh! In awards news, Krystal Ka‘ai won Lehigh’s 2022 Dr. Costel Denson ’56 Award for leadership in increasing diversity in the American workplace and educational institutions. Krystal is the executive director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) and the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders. She was appointed by President Biden as the first Native Hawaiian to serve as head of the WHIAANHPI. Finally, Brooke Eby, who was recently diagnosed with ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease), has taken on the mission of raising awareness of the disease, which has a 1-in300 lifetime risk. You can follow her journey on social media (Instagram, TikTok and Twitter) as @limpbroozkit. As always, keep the updates coming! Stay safe. ’11 Sri Rao, sridevi211@ gmail.com Hello, Class of 2011! I hope everyone is continuing to thrive. Here are a couple updates from our classmates. Andy Israelson married the love of his life, Dr. Sarah Gojer, in a beautiful ceremony and reception in Austin, Texas. Andy was joined by many friends, including many from his fraternity Delta Phi. Michelle Sibley and Matthew Freiman ’09 welcomed their baby girl, Harlow Sandy Freiman, to the world on Oct. 2, 2022, at 5 pounds, 15 ounces. Ashley (Scheffler) Bhasin is pursuing her MFA in creative writing at Drexel University. She is a second-year candidate, set to graduate in spring of 2023. Randi Ackerman and Mark Zaleski ’12 welcomed baby Arlo in August 2022. Brittany (Fisher) Leight and Josh Leight welcomed their second son, Rory, in July 2022. Congratulations on all the life updates, Class of 2011. I cannot wait to see all of your babies compose the Lehigh classes of 2040-50. Please continue to send me updates throughout the year at sridevi211@gmail.com. ’12 Mary (Haynie) Reardon, 215-687-1624, maryhaynie12@gmail.com Heather and Michael Roach welcomed their daughter, Hayden Lynn Roach, on April 11, 2022. She attended her first Lehigh-Lafayette telecast this year in Philadelphia. She wore the same sweatsuit that Mike, his sister Nicole (Roach) Louderback ’03, brother, nephew and niece have all worn. They all had a great day, despite the loss, and are hoping for better luck next year. Ashley Skibicki married Michael Rapp, whom she met in NYC shortly after graduation. She is living in central New Jersey, has two children and recently left her branded content editorial job at NBC Universal to start her own business as a photographer (ashleyrappphoto.com). So, if you’re in the area, book your session with her ASAP! ’13 Bea Dizon, 203-524-4659, beadizn@gmail.com Hi, all! Hope everyone had a great end to 2022, is staying safe and is ready to take on 2023 (and our 10-year reunion)! We have had so many great updates from so many classmates to close out the year! Per usual, please continue to send me texts, emails and social media messages about any updates related to you or any other Class of 2013 alum! In baby news … please join me in welcoming the newest members to our Lehigh family! Katie (Brinkhoff) Phillips and Cameron Phillips welcomed twin boys, Connor and Jason, to make them a family of five, along with their 2-year-old son Nolan. Katie and Cameron celebrated their six-year anniversary in September. Nick Barr and Mariana welcomed Harrison Reed Barr, born on March 9, 2022, and weighing in at 7 pounds, 15 ounces, at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. Stefanie Cilmi Schwartz and Jake Schwartz welcomed a baby girl, Ella Catherine Schwartz, in October 2021. She just celebrated her first birthday, and Stefanie and Jake are looking forward to her starting at Lehigh in approximately 17 years! In engagement news … please join me in congratulating Meghan Crook Brisson, who got engaged to Nick Canelas. They are planning a Boston wedding in June 2023. Sam Dember proposed to Natalie Silverstein ’14, and they are planning a September 2023 wedding. In matrimony news … Danielle Caruso and Chris Hoke ’14, both swimmers at Lehigh, got married on June 11, 2022. Ari Stillman and Radek Dabrowski got married in August 2022 in Chicago, Ill., surrounded by some wonderful Lehigh friends. They met while living in Dravo freshman year. Lynda Asadourian married Chris Sarkesian on June 4, 2022, on Long Island, N.Y., with their families and fellow Lehigh alums. Lynda is currently the chief dental officer of Dental365 and is the pediatric dentist at Little Smiles of Port Washington. If any future Mountain Hawks in the area need a pediatric dentist, feel free to reach out to her! In professional news … Hannah Hoganson graduated in May 2022 with her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Utah and is currently a Brin postdoctoral fellow at the University of Maryland. Maxwell Fayans is now a senior global marketing manager at OraSure Technologies, located in Bethlehem, Pa., where he manages a COVID rapid test called InteliSwab. Congratulations to everyone on their life events and accomplishments. Keep up the great work! I am looking forward to hearing all about what 2023 has to offer! ’14 Mike Ronan, michaelronan214@ gmail.com; Leah Paulson, leahpaulson22@gmail.com Hi, everyone! Leah Paulson and Mike Ronan here. Leah married her Lehigh sweetheart (Ben Dunmire ’16) in November and was joined by some wonderful Lehigh friends in the suburbs of Philly for the celebration. Thank you to Lehigh’s rowing team and the Gryphon Society for bringing those wonderful people into our lives! Leah also attended Ram Sinha and Nisha Ramchander’s beautiful wedding celebrations in December in Orlando, Fla. Please don’t hesitate to email either of us anytime (leahpaulson22@gmail.com and michaelronan214@gmail. com) with your updates. We hope you are staying well! ’15 Kerry Mallett, kerryamallett@ gmail.com I hope everyone had a happy holiday season and new year. For class news, Abby Farrell started working for the Environmental Protection Agency in June. She is an engineer in region 9, which includes California, Nevada, Arizona and the Pacific Islands, and is working on groundwater protection. As always, please reach out with life updates at kerryamallett@gmail.com!