Over the past year, the Mail Center has been working on improving a number of LU Mail Center 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS processes. Through gathering information, speaking with the students, and working with the SC Logic System, the Mail Center manager was able to implement processes that improved service to the customers and efficiency in delivering packages. Reorganized the shelves by using barcodes, improving the Mail Center’s sorting efficiency. New barcodes were added to each shelving unit, allowing each package to have an assigned shelf location. This provides a new and efficient way of storing and locating packages quickly and easily. Cross trained staff on how to identify packages that are mislabeled and placed on the wrong shelf/tub. By using the advanced tool in SC Logic, any packages that have been sorted in the system can be found. With the proper training, each staff member is now able to effectively track a package. Identified a problem with delivering packages to wrong students or to wrong shelves/tubs using SC Logic System and developed a solution. A new procedure was implemented during the sorting of incoming packages by creating a Quality Control process. This process helps to prevent the mislabeling of packages. It also allows a mail sorter to double check his or her work to ensure accuracy. A sorter must initial a package after it’s been sorted. Once the package is placed on the shelf another employee will check for accuracy and will then sign off on that package. The final step is to have the recipient verify that their first/last name is on the package that has been handed to them. This process has improved the team accuracy in delivery of packages on a daily basis - especially during the busy rush periods.