A Message from the Assistant Vice President While the last few years have shown us that we can adapt and overcome, 2021 reminded us of the importance of connection and engagement with our campus community. We welcomed our students and staff back to campus and shifted our focus to how we can make the Lehigh experience valuable and fulfilling. Our departments implemented programs and initiatives to support this focus through adding events for students and staff, applying Lean thinking to improve processes, and supporting the Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030. "WE CAN' T WAIT TO SEE WHAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH AND SERVICE 2022 WITH BRING TO OUR DEPARTMENTS. " Evaluating the needs of our campus has always fueled our areas of focus. We're actively reaching out to students, faculty, and staff to better address where there are areas of need and how we can meet those needs effectively and sustainably while supporting the university's goals of fiscal responsibility. We're confident that our pursuits will add value to 't Mark R. Ironside '25P Assistant Vice President BUSINESSSERVICES.LEHIGH.EDU our projects and to our individual student, staff, and faculty interactions. We're proud to have met past challenges with a passion for service and flexibility. We can wait to see what opportunities for growth and service 2022 will bring.