UBS Annual Report 2021

DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Purchasing and University Logistics Mission: Lehigh’s Purchasing and University Logistics is committed to providing timely and effective services to meet the procurement needs of the University community. We focus strongly on improving sustainability at Lehigh through the responsible and efficient use of resources, while helping departments obtain products and services at the lowest total cost while ensuring the best overall value. PURCHASING.LEHIGH.EDU OneCard Spend: $9,409,551.19 Average number of cardholders: 2,146 Transaction Volume: 43,802 Since opening up Central Receiving in a new location on Mountain Drive on July 14th, we have received and delivered 21,590 packages to campus. For the first six months of this fiscal year we have: Shredded: 18,152 lbs. of documents Recycled: 14, 545 lbs. of electronics Repurposed: Over 1 ton of furniture Recycled: 10,878 lbs. of white goods (refrigerator, freezer, air conditioners) $177,975.00 in bid-generated value for FY22present 53 successful RFPs processed for CY 2021 (compare to 38 processed in CY 2020) 7 Employees