UBS Annual Report 2021

Transportation 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Reduced operational costs by limiting bus services during academic break based on demand. Implemented TransLoc for on-demand transportation - creating more efficient ondemand bus service as well as a more user-friendly bus tracking system through DoubleMap. Maintained continuous Transit Service and Charter Bus Service despite staff shortage (2 vacant positions since August 2021). Reduced Campus Connector Service by one bus while still maintaining consistent and efficient 15 minute headways to Mountaintop, Goodman and Asa Packer Campuses, and the Saucon Village Apartment Complex. Eliminated the Founders Way Express as Parking Services identified a better commuter parking option in the Sayre zone - already serviced by the Campus Connector and Packer Express. Enhanced our Fleet Management Software to include the use of iPads and scanning tools to address maintenance needs and increase effective time management. This includes information for parts, tires, and equipment for a more accurate count of physical inventory. Reduced fuel costs by re-evaluating Access LU Mobility Service to utilize minivans and 21 passenger shuttle buses - allowing this service to better accommodate customers’ needs.