University Business Services Annual Report 2021
A Message from the Assistant Vice President While the last few years have shown us that we can adapt and overcome, 2021 reminded us of the importance of connection and engagement with our campus community. We welcomed our students and staff back to campus and shifted our focus to how we can make the Lehigh experience valuable and fulfilling. Our departments implemented programs and initiatives to support this focus through adding events for students and staff, applying Lean thinking to improve processes, and supporting the Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030. "WE CAN' T WAIT TO SEE WHAT OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH AND SERVICE 2022 WITH BRING TO OUR DEPARTMENTS. " Evaluating the needs of our campus has always fueled our areas of focus. We're actively reaching out to students, faculty, and staff to better address where there are areas of need and how we can meet those needs effectively and sustainably while supporting the university's goals of fiscal responsibility. We're confident that our pursuits will add value to 't Mark R. Ironside '25P Assistant Vice President BUSINESSSERVICES.LEHIGH.EDU our projects and to our individual student, staff, and faculty interactions. We're proud to have met past challenges with a passion for service and flexibility. We can wait to see what opportunities for growth and service 2022 will bring.
UBS' Mission, Departments and Strategic Initiatives MISSION University Business Services advances Lehigh’s goals and objectives through our business units and business partners. We deliver forward thinking, customer-centered business services and campus solutions in a fiscally responsible manner. THE MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGY FOR FULFILLING OUR MISSION AND ACHIEVING OUR GOALS AND OBJECTIVES IS TO BE DISCIPLINED ABOUT BUILDING A COHESIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM THAT IS CUSTOMER-VALUE DRIVEN. UBS DEPARTMENTS AND STRATEGIC INITIATIVES University Business Services provides a portfolio of departments, programs, and strategic initiatives that drive and advance the University's goals and meet the daily needs of students, faculty, and staff. Departments Bookstore (Barnes & Noble College) Child Care Center (Bright Horizons) Mail Center (Swiss Post Solutions) Mountain Hawk Design & Print (Ricoh) Purchasing and University Logistics Real Estate Services Business Partnerships Sustainability Trademarks & Licensing Transportation and Parking Services Strategic Initiatives Sustainability LehighLean Connections
UBS' 2022 Goals 2022 GOALS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Build a diverse, inclusive, and supportive culture within Business Services that values varied perspectives and ideas, acknowledges and celebrates diversity, and is committed to being anti-racist in order to improve staff engagement/retention, drive better business results, and ensure an inclusive student and staff experience. Connections: Continue to implement Lehigh’s Connections Plan. Lehigh University’s Connections Plan reduces the reliance on the automobile for on campus travel, promotes ridership and expansion of the Lehigh University transit system and encourages health and wellness through walking and cycling, resulting in a more collaborative, less congested, and more sustainable environment for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors. Sustainability Plan 2030: Lehigh adopted the Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030 in October 2020. Many of the UBS departments either own, or are supporting, one or more of the goals in this 10-year plan. Continue to implement the plan and report annually (in July/August) on the progress toward these goals. A yearly progress report will be released in October.
LehighLean Culture: Implement Lean in UBS; a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste. Lean streamlines day-to-day work activities and processes for an organization by engaging the people who do the work and are affected by the processes. This form of process improvement encourages UBS' 2022 Goals 2022 GOALS CONTINUED front-line problem identification and problem solving, as employees innovatively go about their work, in a hands-on way. Revenue Generation Pipeline: Identify potential sources of new revenue streams and develop a robust revenue generation pipeline to support Lehigh’s resource plan. Customer Value: UBS business units will significantly improve the experiences of our customers and key stakeholders by delivering more value in an effort to improve experiences and create loyal fans and lifelong supporters of the University. Cost Reductions: Identify and implement a 2% ($70,000) reduction in the unrestricted budget allocated to UBS in support of the FY ‘23 Lehigh University resource plan and Lehigh’s strategic priorities.
The UBS Team Mark Ironside, MBA Assistant Vice President, University Business Services President, LU Properties, LLC 610.758.3843 Jane Altemose Director, Purchasing Services & University Logistics Assistant Director, University Business Services 610.758.4637 Bob Bruneio Manager, Transportation & Transit 610.758.4827 Ali Cianci UBS Coordinator 610.758.5530 Amy DiNardo Director, Bright Horizons at Lehigh - Child Care Center 610.758.5437 Sharon Field Director, Transportation & Parking Services 610.758.6352 Erin Kintzer, AIA, MBA Director, Real Estate Services 610.758.3244
The UBS Team Renee Lutz Manager, Lehigh University Bookstore 610.758.3383 Audrey McSain Director, Sustainability 610.758.3976 Monika Skuriat Fritz, MBA Director, Business Partnerships & Marketing 610.758.4652 Doug Snyder Campus Manager, Mountain Hawk Design & Print Center 610.758.5407 Peggyann Young Manager, Mail Center 610.758.2873
UBS Departments Spotlights 2021
Transportation & Parking Services 2021
Avoided 23,684 kgs of greenhouse gas emissions since the inception of the EV charging stations in 2018. This is equivalent to planting 607 trees and letting them grow for 10 years. Parking DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Mission: To provide safe, dependable, and sustainable transportation and parking-related solutions to the campuses of Lehigh University that add value to every customer interaction and support the University's strategic plan in a fiscally responsible manner. 10 Parking Zones: Alumni, Farrington, Zoellner, Mountaintop, SouthSide, Sayre, Asa Residential, Saucon Village, Goodman F/S, Goodman commuter Permits Sold: 3,865 8 Employees 1 Student Worker Parking Garages Managed: Alumni, Farrington, Zoellner New Street Garage: 115 spaces (owned & operated by the Bethlehem Parking Authority) Managed parking for major events like... Admissions Tours and Open Houses Alumni Reunion Weekend Athletic events on Asa Packer Campus Candidate’s Day Conference Services Events at Iacocca Hall Events at the Zoellner Arts Center First Year Student Arrival Founder’s Weekend PARKING.LEHIGH.EDU Parking Lots Managed: 95
Parking 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Parking Identified a better and more cost effective commuter parking lot option in the Sayre Zone - allowing Lehigh to eliminate the use of the Founders Way commuter parking lot. Implemented online parking permit registration for faculty/staff, retirees, wage/adjuncts, Saucon Village residents, and RA, GA, TA’s. Implemented Text2Park as a payment method for events and parking after 4 pm and on weekends in the Alumni garage - a faster, more user-friendly approach to parking payment. Generated additional revenue by selling surplus parking to students in the Alumni, New Street, and Farrington garages. Increased the number of Asa Residential permits sold to off-campus student residents. Installed additional 2-hour short-term parking spaces on the Asa Packer campus and 4-hour short-term parking spaces on the Mountaintop campus to accommodate faculty, staff, and students attending meetings or classes during the academic day.
Transportation DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Mission: To provide safe, dependable, and sustainable transportation and parking-related solutions to the campuses of Lehigh University that add value to every customer interaction and support the University's strategic plan in a fiscally responsible manner. Total Number of Vehicles: 135 37 Employees Transportation utilizes a combination of electric, hybrid and gasoline vehicles to serve campus. Total buses: 12 Electric Buses: 1 Diesel Buses: 9 Gasoline Buses: 2 Our LANTA partnership provides rides to faculty, staff, students, and business partners at no cost. LANTA ridership: Undergraduate students: 908 Graduate students: 462 Faculty/staff: 449 Business partners: 2733 TRANSPORTATION.LEHIGH.EDU Electric Vehicles Maintained: 4 Hybrid Vehicles Maintained: 3
Transportation 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Reduced operational costs by limiting bus services during academic break based on demand. Implemented TransLoc for on-demand transportation - creating more efficient ondemand bus service as well as a more user-friendly bus tracking system through DoubleMap. Maintained continuous Transit Service and Charter Bus Service despite staff shortage (2 vacant positions since August 2021). Reduced Campus Connector Service by one bus while still maintaining consistent and efficient 15 minute headways to Mountaintop, Goodman and Asa Packer Campuses, and the Saucon Village Apartment Complex. Eliminated the Founders Way Express as Parking Services identified a better commuter parking option in the Sayre zone - already serviced by the Campus Connector and Packer Express. Enhanced our Fleet Management Software to include the use of iPads and scanning tools to address maintenance needs and increase effective time management. This includes information for parts, tires, and equipment for a more accurate count of physical inventory. Reduced fuel costs by re-evaluating Access LU Mobility Service to utilize minivans and 21 passenger shuttle buses - allowing this service to better accommodate customers’ needs.
Purchasing and University Logistics 2021
DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Purchasing and University Logistics Mission: Lehigh’s Purchasing and University Logistics is committed to providing timely and effective services to meet the procurement needs of the University community. We focus strongly on improving sustainability at Lehigh through the responsible and efficient use of resources, while helping departments obtain products and services at the lowest total cost while ensuring the best overall value. PURCHASING.LEHIGH.EDU OneCard Spend: $9,409,551.19 Average number of cardholders: 2,146 Transaction Volume: 43,802 Since opening up Central Receiving in a new location on Mountain Drive on July 14th, we have received and delivered 21,590 packages to campus. For the first six months of this fiscal year we have: Shredded: 18,152 lbs. of documents Recycled: 14, 545 lbs. of electronics Repurposed: Over 1 ton of furniture Recycled: 10,878 lbs. of white goods (refrigerator, freezer, air conditioners) $177,975.00 in bid-generated value for FY22present 53 successful RFPs processed for CY 2021 (compare to 38 processed in CY 2020) 7 Employees
Launched Amazon Business Prime for the University resulting in a savings of Purchasing and University Logistics 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS $12,000 on individual Prime membership alone. Ensured tax benefits were applied for over 900 accounts created. Improved enforcement of buying policies by creating approval routes and the ability to restrict unauthorized items. Allowed us to effectively support a PPE catalog during pandemic and a curated catalog with computers and peripherals supported by LTS. Enhanced and improved the Sustainable Purchasing Policy - defining minimum standards in specific category areas (electronics, janitorial, paper, furniture). This effort updated product certifications (EPEAT, LEED, etc.), created a sustainability questionnaire for vendors, and implemented RFP evaluation criteria. Implemented student reimbursements via the OneCard program, enabling students to be reimbursed weekly. Improved policy compliance and approval routing for student purchases. Initiated the e-invoicing Lean project. Program to launch in summer/fall 2022. Improvements will include change order functionality, elimination of 90% of missed receivables, and the consolidation of customized submission processes to one invoice entry point. Launched Central Receiving to eliminate truck deliveries across campus, supporting safer pedestrian movement across campus. Additional benefits include: No items left unattended in hallways or outside lab/office doors. Safe receipt of cold and frozen storage required items. New technology enhancements enabling alerts to customers with delivery confirmations. Implemented a HazMat Training Program for Courier Services team, providing drivers with HazMat DOT training and certifications. Conducted an Environmental Health & Safety audit, creating a driver safety plan and protocols. Implemented additional vehicle safety protocols including two way communications, fire extinguishers, spill kits, first aid kits, studded snow tires, etc.
Business Partnerships & Marketing 2021
DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Business Partnerships & Marketing Mission: Develop and manage a thriving portfolio of business partnerships (both internal and external) that will add value and enrichment to the student, faculty/staff, alumni, and Lehigh family experience - with a strong focus on generating revenue for the University or creating cost aversion opportunities. LICENSING.LEHIGH.EDU 2021 Artwork Submissions Reviewed: 1,632 2021 Licensee Contract Requests Reviewed: 157 Events Supported: 2020+21 Commencement and Grad Fair Light Up Night PreLUsion Night Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day at the Bookstore Class Ring Unveiling (virtual) and Ordering Business Partner Contracts Supported: Barnes and Noble, Herff Jones, Campus Travel, PSECU, CLC, CoreExpand (AgoraCX), Swiss Post Solutions, Dorm Room Movers, Bright Horizons, Ricoh Artwork submissions reviewed for internal department orders: 149 Average number of Licensees: 156 1 Employee 1 Student Worker
Created potential cost savings across University departments: Achieved through Business Partnerships & Marketing 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS departments requesting multiple quotes in AgoraCX (implemented fall of 2020). Based on the data, the university had the potential to save $72,226.30 over the first three quarters of implementation. Conducted communication audit for all UBS departments to assess current education and outreach strategies to campus and developed framework/schedule to track and improve strategies for each department. Created customer service and added value training video and materials for UBS staff. Lehigh University’s Trademarks and Licensing office announced that as of July 1, 2021, Lehigh is now an affiliated member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA). The FLA provides independent monitoring and resources to protect workers' rights and improve working conditions in factories worldwide. The affiliation with the FLA ensures that apparel bearing Lehigh's name and logo is produced under fair working conditions and contributed to Lehigh's Gold Rating in the 2021 STARS Report. Enforced the protection of Lehigh's brand by reviewing 1326 artwork submissions during FY21– most of which required guidance and correction on designs. 492 artwork submissions have been reviewed in the first quarter of FY22. Licensing revenue for Q1 of FY22 was $44,694.79 - a 127% increase over Q1 in FY21. Hosted first ever Retailers Week - promoting local retail shopping locations that sell Lehigh licensed merchandise. Generated $3905.00 through Family Field Guide ad sales - which recoups 40% of our OFYE investment.
Office of Sustainability 2021
We envision an inclusive Lehigh community where sustainability DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Office of Sustainability Mission: is an integral part of the institutional ethos. Our mission is to advance solutions to support long term sustainable change in Lehigh’s operations, academics, administration and community. We will meet the evolving challenges of a changing world, mitigate the effects of climate change and develop and empower SUSTAINABILITY.LEHIGH.EDU future leaders. 22% ‘real’ food (local/communitybased, fair trade, ecologically sound and humane) was served on campus in 2020-2021 27 sets of smart, solarpowered trash and recycling bins have been installed on campus 100% of newly constructed or renovated building space was certified under a green building rating system in 2020-2021 2 FT Employees 1 PT Employee 25 Student Workers 2M+ plastic bottles diverted from landfills since 2014 50+ water bottle refill stations installed since 2014 56% of research-producing departments are engaged in sustainability research in 2020-2021 90% of academic departments have sustainability course offerings in 2020-2021
Office of Sustainability 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Lehigh was awarded the Green Ribbon Schools Sustainability Award. The university was just one of five post-secondary institutions nationwide to receive the U.S. Department of Education award. Lehigh Achieved Gold Rating in the 2021 STARS Report. Awarded by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). The Sustainable and Healthful Food Purchasing Policy launched at Lehigh, a new policy (effective June 1, 2021) developed by the campus Food Systems Working Group. This policy will transform the traditional university food system into one that is more sustainable, climate-friendly, diverse, inclusive, and equitable. Lehigh’s Office of Sustainability announced the university’s ambitious 10-year plan to integrate financially prudent, socially just and ecologically sound sustainability practices into the university’s administrative, academic and operational processes. The Sustainability Strategic Plan 2030 focuses on 113 goals across six strategic areas. Lehigh Awarded 2020 Alternative Fuel Incentive Grant. In December 2020, Lehigh Sustainability in collaboration with LUPD and Transportation Services, applied for a grant through the Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant (AFIG) Program through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Lehigh University was named the 2021 Waste Minimization Case Study Winner in the nationwide Campus Race to Zero Waste competition. The case study focused on the expansion of the Eco Container Program, which now automatically enrolls students with meal plans to receive a reusable clamshell takeout container. By the end of the Spring 2021 semester there was a 72% reduction in the use of, and waste from, disposable clamshell take-out containers on campus.
Real Estate Service 2021
DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Real Estate Services Mission: Provide strategic and comprehensive real estate services that align with and support the University’s strategic plan, master plan, and institutional goals. This includes responsibility for the following activities: Acquisition, Development, Disposition, Leases, Property Management, Joint Ventures & Partnerships. 10 faculty / staff family units housed in offcampus housing program 59 graduate and undergraduate tenants in off-campus housing program Managing 10 ‘Lehigh as landlord’ leases and 6 ‘Lehigh as tenant’ leases 2 Employees 1 Graduate Fellow 37 residential units, 2 commercial properties, and over 500 acres in land managed 17% growth in gross revenues year over year for income producing properties REALESTATE.LEHIGH.EDU
Real Estate Services 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Purchased 7 houses since 7/1/2020; 3 renovations completed. Achieved 100% occupancy - all available properties are fully leased. November 2021, RES purchased 4 additional apartments and 4 additional houses, increasing tenants by 24 people, almost doubling the number of tenants we had at this time last year (now at 65 people). Facilitated acquisition of 214-216 Summit in support of University land banking. Sale and close-out of Decibel real estate (NY real estate), resulting in $2.5M to endowment. Spearheaded sustainability efforts around house air tests, and conversion off of fossil fuels in several homes. Conducted several asbestos assessments and abatements. Student housing zoning change - apprised internal stakeholders and analyzed impact on University. Advanced ground lease at LU12 – a future revenue generating project. Finalizing PA Act 2 submission to DEP. Advanced LU2 Developer interest including vetting partners, setting stakeholder meetings, developer meetings, building initial proforma. Advanced Stabler Pathways branding work with stakeholders and vendor. Made significant progress on contract negotiation, saving the University and PHMC. Achieved necessary grant change approvals from the state. Leased LU15 to asphalt company; resulting in $36k per year in revenue. Conducted parcel consolidation and subdivisions with the City of Bethlehem and Lower Saucon Township in support of Lehigh’s solar project. As VP for Programming for Association of University Real Estate Officials, held 5 virtual events this year and coordinated all programming for a 3 day conference hosted by Boise State held in October 2021.
LU Mail Center 2021
providing the LU community with timely and accurate handling, distribution, DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS LU Mail Center Mission: The Mail Center supports the missions of Lehigh University by and processing of all incoming and outgoing mail and packages as it relates to student needs. We seek to provide excellent customer service and to utilize staff and resources with ever-improving efficiency. MAILCENTER.LEHIGH.EDU Spring Term: Average weekly packages processed: 2050. Average monthly packages processed: 8100. Average delivery time: 1 minute per student. 5 FT Employees Summer Term: Average weekly packages processed: 1220. Average monthly packages processed: 4900. Average delivery time: under 1 minute per student. Fall Term: Average weekly packages processed: 4000. Average monthly packages processed: 16000. Average delivery time: up to 2 minutes per student. Busy Peak Hours: Monday - Friday from 11am to 5pm 70% of student visit the mail center during those times During August, September and October we saw a tremendous increase in the number of incoming packages. The volume during those months reached over 52,000 packages received and sorted by the staff, and over 50,000 packages delivered to the students.
Over the past year, the Mail Center has been working on improving a number of LU Mail Center 2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS processes. Through gathering information, speaking with the students, and working with the SC Logic System, the Mail Center manager was able to implement processes that improved service to the customers and efficiency in delivering packages. Reorganized the shelves by using barcodes, improving the Mail Center’s sorting efficiency. New barcodes were added to each shelving unit, allowing each package to have an assigned shelf location. This provides a new and efficient way of storing and locating packages quickly and easily. Cross trained staff on how to identify packages that are mislabeled and placed on the wrong shelf/tub. By using the advanced tool in SC Logic, any packages that have been sorted in the system can be found. With the proper training, each staff member is now able to effectively track a package. Identified a problem with delivering packages to wrong students or to wrong shelves/tubs using SC Logic System and developed a solution. A new procedure was implemented during the sorting of incoming packages by creating a Quality Control process. This process helps to prevent the mislabeling of packages. It also allows a mail sorter to double check his or her work to ensure accuracy. A sorter must initial a package after it’s been sorted. Once the package is placed on the shelf another employee will check for accuracy and will then sign off on that package. The final step is to have the recipient verify that their first/last name is on the package that has been handed to them. This process has improved the team accuracy in delivery of packages on a daily basis - especially during the busy rush periods.
Mountain Hawk Design and Print Center 2021
DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Mountain Hawk Design and Print Center Mission: Mountain Hawk Design and Print supports the educational objectives of Lehigh University and enhances the institutional image through quality design, printing, and mailing. We strive to produce the highest quality for all projects and to provide Lehigh University and local non-profits with the most reasonable prices available. Produced over 500,000 prints on our digital production printers Produced over 10,000 signs and stickers in support of campus Covid guidelines Survey Feedback: "Mountain Hawk Print & Design is fantastic! My projects are always completed on time or prior to deadline, on or below budget and I'm always impressed with the quality of the work. Vickie, Doug and the team are the best I've ever worked with." Produced over 15000 square feet of wide format signage and graphics DESIGNANDPRINT.LEHIGH.EDU 4 FT Employees Completed over 2700 printing jobs for campus Provided printing support for over 400 campus users
2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Mountain Hawk Design and Print Center Launched new digital software called Flippingbook. This allows customers to create interactive, online documents. Implemented a new graphic design service with Ricoh, which expanded the graphic design offerings to campus. Customers work with a dedicated team of designers and a Ricoh project manager. Assisted the University with the Covid response by producing over 10,000 signs and stickers for the campus. We worked on many site specific requests for groups such as Dining Services, Athletics and Commencement - often with very tight turnarounds. Coordinated weekly mailings for departments such as DAR and the Bursar's Office, while staff was working remotely. These mailings have stayed with MHDPC even though staff have now returned to the office. Produced all Fan Cut-Outs for Athletics. Since our production cost was lower than any external vendor, it allowed Athletics to keep more money from the sales.
Lehigh University Bookstore 2021
DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Lehigh University Bookstore Mission: The Lehigh University Bookstore serves the educational resource needs of the campus community while supporting Lehigh’s biggest fans through a thoughtfully curated collection of Lehigh branded general merchandise, products, and services. LEHIGH.BNCOLLEGE.COM Donated $5000 to the faculty development fund. Processed 15,572 web orders - most of which were all processed and shipped from the store. 4 FT Employees 14 PT/Seasonal We added 3 new vendors for clothing: Zoozats, Colosseum and Fanatics Awarded $10,000 in student financial aid scholarships. The busiest time period for web sales was November/December. It contained Cyber Monday, holidays, and early decision. We managed a 59% increase in holiday sales on our website.
2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Lehigh University Bookstore The Lehigh University Bookstore helped facilitate commencements for both the class of 2020 and 2021 - collaborating with Lehigh departments and the commencement regalia vendor, Herff Jones, to ensure Lehigh was prepared to host multiple in-person ceremonies. This planning process also included rethinking how we traditionally conduct Grad Fair Days - where students order their regalia (hosted by the LU Bookstore). While the primary focus during commencement planning was on safety and a smooth execution of the events, the Bookstore was also tasked with creating a safe and fun outdoor shopping environment near Goodman Stadium to help reduce in-person traffic at the campus store. As in past years, we helped facilitate regalia distribution and collection alongside Herff Jones. This past year we successfully launched 2 First Day courses totaling 7 sections. This pilot’s goal is to increase affordable access to educational materials for courses. As we work through the pilot phase, our next steps will be to expand the program to provide affordable opportunities to even more students. We remained nimble in adjusting and accommodating our operations to adhere to all campus guidelines as needed. We relaunched athletic events and in-store events in the fall of 2021 while adhering to all safety guidelines. We managed a 59% increase in holiday sales on our website. Normally, we would compare the current year’s sales to the previous year. This year we pivoted and are comparing our sales to the year before…as it was the most recent “normal” year and provides better data for decision making. The LU Bookstore onboarded a new store manager. Bookstore staff, Lehigh staff, and the B&N regional manager worked together to ensure a smooth transition and thorough but speedy orientation process. The LU Bookstore launched a new website to increase sales and improve the customer experience. Launched in November 2021.
Bright Horizons Child Care Center 2021
DEPARTMENT INFO & KEY STATS Bright Horizons Child Care Center Mission: The Bright Horizons Family Solutions® mission is to provide innovative solutions that help children, families, employees, and employers work together to be their very best. We are committed to providing the highest-quality child care, education, and work/life solutions in the world. Provided care for 45 families and located in the Saucon Village complex. 15 Employees 5 Student Workers Onboarded 7 new teachers The center hosted 15 virtual events for families Celebrated 20+ years of teaching for 2 teachers Our curriculum meets children where they are developmentally, with Signature Practices that build confidence and excitement about learning at every age and stage. CHILD-CARE-PRESCHOOL.BRIGHTHORIZONS.COM/PA/BETHLEHEM/LEHIGH
2021 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Bright Horizons Child Care Center Opened our first school-age summer camp. Throughout the summer children participated in making their own movies, taking walks on the cross country trail, creating their own machines, and forming their very own summer camp chant. This kicked-off the beginning of a program that is now here to stay! We sent out our first Family Satisfaction Survey and received a 96% satisfaction scoring with comments such as: "The teachers are thoughtful, caring, kind, and listens to you when you have a concern. They know how to engage with each child's individual needs and care for each child at their level. They are very educated in what they are teaching your children and are learning and educating themselves every day. They greet every parent with respect and always have a smile on their faces. They follow all safety protocols and guidelines and I know that my child is safe and is being taken care of while at school. I'm very happy that I choose Bright Horizons at Lehigh for my little guy!!!" We sent out our first employee satisfaction survey to a 100% satisfaction scoring. 100% of the employees are proud of the work they do and are proud to work for BH. Began a teacher mentor program for our new teachers. Each veteran teacher took a new teacher under their wing, having lunches together, reviewing trainings together, and just assisting each on learning the lay of the land. Hosted a variety of drives and fundraisers for the children to assist us with. One of which sent 9 boxes to Cradles to Crayons! Hosted a child directed Art Show that raised funds for our Bright Horizons Foundation. Ms. Maria, our Toddler Teacher, who has worked for the child care center for almost 10 years, received her eCDA from our Bright Horizons Horizon Degree program.
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