Summer Bulletin 2023

CLASS NOTES | SUMMER 2023 | 65 late 20s), where she develops their professionalism and self-awareness, so they are better prepared for their careers and life. When she’s not in the lab, Sue spends her time in Maryland with her partner, Dan, and their three dogs, Glenda, Ruthie and Chicken Marie. Jesse G. Nawrocki recently won two awards for his work in research and development at Johnson & Johnson. His first award was the Johnson Medal for his work on StratafixTM Knotless Tissue Control Devices. This is the highest award an R&D associate can receive and is given to scientists whose creativity and scientific achievement have opened significant doors for J&J products. The second award was the Edison Award for U.S. Patent 10,336,001, “End effector for wound closure device” in the Medical Device category. This award honors exceptional efforts of scientists and inventors, along with their organizations, for outstanding R&D work done in the state of New Jersey. Lori (Montemurro) Goldstein has launched a new creative writing initiative called “Think Write” featuring online writing classes, in-person retreats and long-term mentorships. More information is available on her website ( thinkwrite). Her fifth novel, the adult historical “Love, Theodosia,” a Romeo & Juliet tale for Hamilton fans, released in paperback in March. ’96 Jen (Crimmins) Keen, 17 Windsor Drive, Foxborough, MA 02035. (508) 543-5036; Hi, Class of ’96. Apparently, everything is status quo this quarter because there is no news to report. As we descend upon our 50th year, there must be some news to share. Anyone retired? Any more children going to Lehigh? My older son is a junior, so I’m looking forward to a trip back to Lehigh this summer to check it out with teenage eyes. I still remember when I did the college tour the summer before my senior year and fell in love with the campus. I also remember coming back in the fall for a recruiting visit ... by taking a very long bus ride from Boston through NYC to Bethlehem. That visit certainly sealed the deal for me. I knew I was going to choose Lehigh and love the next four years of my life. I hope that the next generation is feeling the same! Please send any news my way: Cheers, Class of ’96! ’97 Lopa (Patel) Zielinski, Madison, NJ, Regan Shields Ives was elected president of the Boston Preservation Alliance’s board of directors. According to the press release, “In this new role, Regan will lead the BPA in bringing people and organizations together to influence the future of Boston’s historic buildings, landscapes and communities.” Regan is a “registered architect with over 20 years of experience, [she] leads Finegold Alexander’s educational and cultural practice. … She is a recipient of the Tsonga’s award, Preservation Massachusetts’s highest honor, honoring people and projects that have displayed the highest level of commitment to historic preservation in the commonwealth.” ’98 Gregory Kuklinski, Our 25th reunion was on June 8-11, 2023. Since this column will come out after the reunion occurs, I would like to thank the following members of our committee for a job well done: Eric Kolasa, Carlos DaSilva, Joshua Levine, Jessica (Burne) Davis, Glenda Trujillo, Jamie (Lieberman) Jacobs, Brad Mauro and our Lehigh staff contacts, Stephanie Fisher and Amy Gross. Look to our fall column for a recap of the 25th reunion events. Please continue to share your news and I will make sure that it makes our class column. Stay tuned to the FB page for photos from our 25th Reunion! Class of 1998 Facebook Page: Lehigh98/ My Lehigh (Class of 1998): ’99 Karen (Smith) Fischer, ’00 Corina Fisher, (732) 688-3671 (C); Alex Olbrecht writes: “My wife, Lindsey, and I welcomed our third child on July 1, 2022. Charlotte joins her two older brothers, Hudson (9) and Brandon (7) in our home in Chappaqua, N.Y. I am a professor of economics at Ramapo College, the executive director of the Eastern Economic Association and the editor of the Journal of Business and Economic Studies. My research work recently appeared on ( nfl/insider/insider/story/_/ id/36162504/2023-nfl-drafttop-quarterback-projectionsstats-bryce-young-cj-stroudanthony-richardson-levis).” ’01 Abby Dawes Columbo, Greetings, Class of 2001! I am the new class correspondent, and I am really looking forward to connecting with you through our column. I always felt like I was a bit on the fringe of our class, and I wish I could report that things have changed. But as we enter middle life, I realize I am just kind of an awkward, fringy person—and I’m OK with that. I lived in Richards freshman year (shout-out to the B3 Dick’s Chicks), Brodhead sophomore and junior years and at 443 Montclair senior year. You were most likely to cross paths with me at the RBC, brunch at the Bone, late night on the Sigma Chi dance floor in 1998, in the office at the English department during my work study, having lunch at The Goose or drinking too many Yuenglings at the Tally Ho. I now live back in my hometown of Barrington, R.I., with my husband, Jon (unofficial member of the Class of 2001), and our two kids, Will (10) and Mia (4). I work at U.S. Bank as a senior director of compliance, where I travel quite a bit to Charlotte and Minneapolis. I also started teaching a creative writing class at my son’s school once a week, which has been a lot of fun and a nice escape from financial services. I am enjoying this season of life. I keep in regular touch with Emily (Deia) Kubasak, Alison (Warner) Lavan, Jess Meyer Sullivan, Orlene (Valy) Paxson and Sean Gilligan. I am also in touch with Kirsten Tollefsen, Melissa (Garofalo) Westbrook, Chris Westbrook, Jenn (Keenan) Albano, Adam Albano, Doug Mullin, Brian Englehardt, Phong Ta, Walker Conolly, Meagan (Kordorsky) Graham and Melissa (Genetti) Preece. All are doing great, and once I get their consent, I’ll give you more of an update on their happenings. I am looking to bringing more energy and diversity of spotlights to this column. Lehigh means a lot to me, and I definitely attribute my education and our Career Center to helping to put me on the path I am on today, giving me a great group of friends and memories to last a lifetime! Please reach out to me, and say hello. I look forward to hearing from you! ’02 Laura (Schwamb) Carino, lcarino@ Greetings, Class of 2002 alumni! I hope you are doing well and that your summer is going