Summer Bulletin 2023

64 | LEHIGH ALUMNI BULLETIN | CLASS NOTES are all doing well. Without further ado, here are the updates, starting with a personal one. It’s been an honor to serve as our class columnist for the Bulletin for the last five years. I’ve loved sharing your stories in the magazine and reconnecting with so many of you. However, I will have a high school senior this year, and I feel it’s time for me to step down. Darren Saks has taken the reins; he can be reached at Kathy (Bolliger) Sweet and John Sweet ’90 visited in December for King & Spalding’s Atlanta office’s holiday party. My husband and I were able to sneak in dinner and drinks with them and loved hearing about their new status as empty nesters and their travel plans. They have twin sons who are juniors in college. Hayden is at Indiana University, and Justin followed mom and dad to Lehigh. Daughter Lillian is living her best life at University of Miami (Florida). John is a partner in the firm’s tax practice in New York, and Kathy is now working in the interior design field. They live in Glen Ridge, N.J. Great to hear from Bernie Zavatone, who is enjoying life in Bethlehem. In 2021, he started a new job with Oldcastle Building Envelope, an architectural glass fabrication business, and in late 2022, he was promoted to regional president for the northeast region. His wife, Alison, teaches in the Bethlehem Area School District, and they have three boys: Gavin, the oldest, is a junior at George Washington University; Liam is in fifth grade; and Graham is in third grade. Bernie’s job takes him out to Long Island, where he was able to catch up with Jaidev “Jay” Sankar. He is well and working on Amtrak’s modernization plans for the Washington to Boston corridor. Bernie spent a week golfing in Northern Ireland along with Clark Sawyers and other friends. Jonathon Davis, Clark, and Bernie also went to a Lehigh game this year and never made it in: “too much fun tailgating—nothing changes!” It was also great to hear from Jenny Lowman. She has recently changed jobs and is now an assistant director of institutional support at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pa.: “It’s a long way of saying that I’m a grant writer at Eastern.” Her daughter, Bella, is in her first year at Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts, and her son, Peter, is a junior in high school at Cheltenham High School, so he is starting the college search process. Jenny is encouraging him to consider Lehigh, but he thinks it might be too close to their home in Glenside, Pa. She sees Parul Mehta, Wendy (Marien) Sutaria, Suzanne Lind and Adam Sucov frequently. In fact, Parul, Suzanne and her son, Aaron, and Jenny and her two kids went to Italy together in July 2022. Her advice: “Do not travel to Rome in July! I have never been so hot in my life. We did eat a lot of gelato, though!” Editor’s note: Many thanks to Leslie Joiner for her service as correspondent. She filled this space with updates on a diversity of classmates and always made us laugh. Good luck with the college hunt and future endeavors. ’94 Michael B. York, 575 West End Avenue #9A, New York, NY 10024;; (917) 575-9391 Our (gasp!) 30-year reunion is just around the corner! This is where I tell you to make plans and hotel reservations now, even though I will wind up with some excuse as to why I did not attend! Truthfully, it’s usually kid or golf (more likely golf) related. Nicole (Newman) Enslein owns and operates a marketing communications company, which she started in 2016, known as Sublime Communications. Nicole is still active with the Lehigh community, having taught MBA and undergraduate classes. She lives in Greenwich, Conn., with her three children. Eugene Davoli moved to Bay Shore, Long Island, near a marina and a short walk to the Great South Bay, where he lives with his wife, Kristine, and their dog, Ruby. He has been doing triathlons the last few years, having finished at Lake Placid, Oregon and the GFNY bike race more recently, which was from the George Washington Bridge to Bear Mountain and back—100 miles and 8,500 feet of elevation change. Most impressively, this was all done after beating Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (twice!), including a stem cell transplant at MSKCC. Eugene is a genetic testing specialist for Thermo Fisher Scientific. So many of us have had a great year celebrating our 50th birthdays, including Tracy Rowley, Melissa (Muendel) Hartley, Hilary (Brown) Tabish and Meredith (Robb) Ruckh, who took a trip to the DR to celebrate in style. Tracy’s son (with David Schlamme ’95) will be a freshman at Indiana University in the fall. Becky Rimmer Antczak’s son, Ted, will enroll at Lehigh in the fall, joining the Class of 2027. Sam (Churgin) Bennett and Andy Bennet’s daughter, Sarah graduated in May with a degree in industrial engineering. (I could have been an engineer, except for that D- in freshman math … not even calculus.) Sarah’s younger sister, Cami, finished her freshman year at Lehigh as well. The Bennetts have spent the past few Parents’ Weekends on campus, along with Julie (Vozick) Fisher and Warren Fisher, Melissa Muendel Hartley, Andy Twiggar and Bridget O’Connell ’95, Meg Chianese Durkin and Ted Durkin ’93 and John Scott. Eric Williams is a professor at Radford University. He has taught in the fields of constitutional law and the Supreme Court, while conducting research on the correctional institution system. His book, “The Big House in a Small Town,” was published in 2011. Eric recently sent me a copy of a “thank you” letter he penned to Lehigh. While my space in the column is limited, I wish I could share the whole thing with you. In essence, Eric’s niece, Sydney, is a student at Lehigh, thanks in no small part to her uncle’s guidance. He thanked great professors like Rick Matthews, Hannah Stewart-Gambino, Frank Davis and Joe Dowling as influencing him for life. (I have to credit Professor Dowling from keeping a group of us out of jail in Leuven, Belgium, in the summer of 1993). I have nothing left to report, so I have included my cell at the top of the header here, in the hopes that you will text me with an update! Would love to hear from any and all of you (except Andy Frishman)! ’95 Bridget O’Connell, 1840 Sycamore St., Bethlehem, PA 18017. (610) 8686605 (H); It was great to hear from several members of our class! Keep the news headed my way. Ann-Marie (Petry) Delaney got together a mini reunion of Thetas in St Michaels, Md., to celebrate all of our birthdays! In attendance: Danielle (Jenko) Somers, Karen Dobres Schluter, Ann-Marie (Petry) Delaney, Jennifer (Piparo) Lydon, Sheila (Vyas) Parikh, Deepika (Swarup) Cheriathundam and Kristen (Mapes) McGuire. Sue DeLazaro has been smiling since late 2022 when she opened her own consulting firm, Ideal Culture Lab. Sue develops critical soft skills in organizations (EQ, executive presence, teamwork) and has a special place in her heart for her work with emerging professionals (college age to