Summer Bulletin 2023

CLASS NOTES | SUMMER 2023 | 63 has been a voting member for nearly two decades. His nominations have come from work done with soul, reggae and Christian artists. His win was for Zach Williams’ Album of the Year, Chain Breaker, in 2018. ’92 Melissa (Gitlin), Jacoby,; and Rachel (Beck) Diamond, Exciting news from Meredith (Hirsch) Milewicz, of Armonk, N.Y. In March, her youngest daughter, Samantha, a senior at Byram Hills High School, placed eighth at The Regeneron Science Talent Search for her research project on traumatic brain injuries. The prize for this honor: not only being one of the top young scientists in the country, but $60,000 for her hard work! Samantha is a volunteer firefighter and photographer in her free time. Meredith and her husband, Steven, also have Zachary, a 23-year-old Washington University grad now working as a business analyst at McKinsey & Co., and Ariel, 25, who graduated from Emory in 2020 and is also living in NYC working as a development executive in the Wall Street and financial services division of UJA-Federation. Melissa recently grabbed coffee with Peter Leis, who can’t believe it’s been so long since Blues Traveler played in the Valley during Greek Week. Peter is a Boston-area Realtor (, and his spouse, Jen, is one of Boston’s premier home stagers (Stage to Sell). He was happy to report that daughter Garson is enjoying her second year at American University of Paris (France; not Maine or Texas) and son Jasper is already picking electives for the start of Newton North High School in the fall. We received an update from Michele Rothstein Dolbin. She has been married to her husband, Don, for almost 25 years and has been a practicing attorney for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just as long. Michele’s daughter graduated from Delaware with a B.S. in apparel design and minors in sustainable apparel and fashion management. She works for a fashion company as an assistant technical designer and is living very close to some Cougars in Easton, Pa.! Her son is an EMT and on the road to becoming a career firefighter. He and his dad are both volunteer firefighters. Some other updates include Connecticut-based Heather Kerner, who has spent most of her career in sports marketing and sponsorship but now is adding to her credentials with personal training and nutrition certifications. On most days, Heather can be found at CrossFit, while also being mom to Cory, 16, and Jake, 14. Alex (Kauper) Chiaruttini lives in York, Pa., as an environmental attorney. Previously, she served in former Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration as the chief counsel at the Department of Environmental Protection and now is general counsel and CAO at The York Water Company. Krista (McClintock) Smith is celebrating 31 years at Deloitte this year (no, that’s not a typo!). She leads the early-stage audit practice in the D.C. area. Daughter Ella, 19, is a freshman at Elon, and son Harrison, 16, is thriving as the starting goalie for his high school and travel hockey teams—both of which have won the Virginia state championship two years in a row! Keep the updates coming! We’d love to hear where many of you are right now! ’93 Leslie Keating Joiner, (404) 2763280; Hello, everyone! Hope you