Summer Bulletin 2023

CLASS NOTES | SUMMER 2023 | 57 blue engineering pencils. Ed also said that he ran into Scott Carpenter ’86 at his golf club. Ed is the president of Financial Recruiters, LLC in Mountainside, N.J. Bill Klimack, Ph.D., sent an update that he has returned to industry from academia. After leaving Chevron, he served for a year and a half as a professor in the industrial and systems engineering department at the University of Oklahoma. Bill has moved to BP, where he is the decision quality manager. He is still in the greater Houston area. Thanks to Brian Drummond ’74 for sending me news about Anthony Cerra. Anthony retired from the FAA in Burlington, Mass., and is active in the town of Swampscott, Mass. (where Brian also lives). He’s enjoying an active retirement skiing, biking and traveling. Brian notes that all is well with Anthony’s wife and two daughters. Anthony is thinking about attending our 45th class reunion in 2024. Anthony, we’d be happy to see you at that reunion. Our classmates enjoy a great time together at reunion events. Dan Levinson sent a link to a sad but touching account of the passing of Mark Hoffmann. Dan and Mark were ATO brothers but lost touch after graduation. Mark was a one-time accountant at Duke University. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1988 and eventually ended up on the streets of Greensboro, N.C. He became homeless and estranged from his family. Fortunately for Mark, a local street outreach worker and bridge counselor became his voluntary guardian. Along with the pastor of Centenary United Methodist and other church members, they helped Mark get into housing and apply for disability. Mark also became legally blind, so he was often seen sitting on a bench in Greensboro with a newspaper pressed up to his face. He was known in Greensboro as “the man on the bench.” The article also noted that Mark was loved by the people who knew him and that he was cheerful and quiet. His guardian appreciated that Mark was on medication, warm, safe and dry at the end of his life. Sad news, but thank goodness for people who care enough to help. If you’d like to read more about Mark, the article is in the Feb. 16, 2023, edition of the Greensboro News & Record. ’80 Mark Hembarsky, Mhembarsky1980@ Scott Peck is proud to be happily married 35 years with a 34-year-old daughter, 32-year-old son, and a newborn grandson. He lives in Basking Ridge, N.J., and is a commercial real estate broker. In February, Scott, Dave Beard, Mike Connor and Rick Rogers had a send-off party for Ray Trevisan and his wife, who moved to Colorado after being lifelong New Jersey residents. Ray wants to spend his retirement years hiking the Rockies and skiing with Ken Alley, who moved there in 1980. Mike Dugan and Jeff Eggert also attended Ray’s tequila/Mexican-themed sendoff. Because Finn Wentworth couldn’t attend in person, he sent a world-renowned bagpipe player to entertain Ray. Other Lehigh notables in attendance were Ken Colangelo ’79 and Matt McDonough ’82. The weekend after the “Ray send-off,” many of the above plus Joe Burke, John Hughes and Nancy Kirsh Kesselman ’79 went to the Dublin Pub in Morristown, N.J., to listen to our own Lehigh songbird, Mike Connor. Mike entertained a packed pub and has a fairly random gig schedule in the Morristown and Jersey Shore areas. Brian Woolford’s big news is that he married Sergio Alvarez Garcia in January in San Diego, with 50 friends and family members attending the ceremony and post-nuptial celebrations in La Jolla, Calif. In a “small-world” experience, while traveling in Spain last November, he ran into John Zervos. While touring in Seville, John spied Brian’s Lehigh T-shirt and asked when Brian graduated — yes, both ’80 grads! John and his wife were on a cruise excursion. They are both podiatrists. Mike Madison retired in 2020 from McBride Engineering, Inc., in the Chicago area, after 20 years to become the Catholic campus minister at Culver Academies, along the shores of Lake Maxinkuckee in Culver, Ind. Mike is part of the spiritual life department serving student faith development regardless of faith/ spiritual practice but focusing on the Catholic students. The students keep him busy and young. He recently led a spring break trip to Ireland with 15 students and other faculty. Two of the students received their Lehigh acceptances while on the trip—the luck of the Irish! Mary Jay (Farmer) Mullowney announces the birth of her first grandchild, Millie Mary Schindel, in November. MJ was a member of the Lehigh tennis team and was also the first female trumpet player in the Marching 97. Her granddaughter already looks destined to play tennis along with having the perfect lips to play the trumpet and continue the tradition! On March 9, Victor Sytzko and 19 other Kappa Alpha alumni from several classes gathered at Pete’s Hot Dogs for a final time before its closing on March 15. Pete’s was a staple diet of many of us, and this last chance to savor the secret sauce brought Greeker fans to this hallowed institution from as far away as California. The Kappa Alphas ate them out of hot dogs. They had to send someone out for more! Three Sigma Chi amigos, Jeff Bernstein, Jeff Dunn and Jimmy Downs, send everyone their greetings. Jimmy, father of six, lives with his wife, Lilly, in Mendham, N.J. Always kinetic, he is involved in more things than can be listed here, including real estate development and gentleman farming. Jeff Dunn is retired after a career in industrial sales and lives with his wife, Carol, in Medford, N.J. The Dunns are busy in retirement following the trails of their three daughters, including the youngest, who is an actress recently performing off-Broadway. Jeff Bernstein is retired after a career in public accounting. He lives with wife, Debra, in Naples, Fla., and spends the summer and fall in Rehoboth Beach, Del. They have an adult son and daughter. Jim Flanagan and Ellen (Marshall) Flanagan have been married for 38 years and have resided in Chatham, N.J., for the past 30 years. Their daughter Emily is Class of ’12 and their son Liam is Class of ’19. Jim was our Bulletin class correspondent for the first 25 years post-graduation. Jim and Ellen have challenged us all to attend our 50th reunion in 2030! Let’s all be there to congratulate them, and other classmates, for their dedication, services and love of Lehigh over the years since graduation. 8-0! GO! GO! ’81 Tom Wocklish, twocklish@alum. Heard from a friend that dates back to the first week of freshman year in M&M when Kevin Talhelm reached out to “congratulate” me for returning to the workforce. “Good for you to find that dream job! My wife and I retired and moved to North Carolina. We have been here for a little over a year and just love our new life. Jen and I have a blended family, five total, all living their lives as they best see fit. LOL—best way to say each one is following their own path and each path is very different. Jen and I love being