CLASS NOTES | SUMMER 2023 | 49 newsletter for family and friends and he travels. John Daniel, our class president, wrote to let me know the recipient of the Class of 1960 scholarship this year is Matthew Brock ’24, who is a finance major from Schwenksville, Pa. John mentioned that Donald Hayes is ailing and that Bruce Fritchman died in November. He was a retired LU faculty member. John and his late wife, Carol’s, family all got together for Christmas in Allentown. Shortly thereafter, John headed down to his condo in St. Petersburg, Fla., for a few months. Anyone wanting to contact John can reach him on his cellphone at 610-390-7616. Dave Word contacted me to let me know he has moved from the East Coast to Hastings, Minn., to be near his son. He is living in a retirement community, while his wife, Eileen, is in a nearby assisted living facility. Dave is in regular touch with his Drinker roommate, Ed Melnick. He also used to play golf occasionally with Howard Anton. Mike Cook knew I usually spend February in Jupiter, Fla., and contacted me to let me know he would be visiting a daughter who lived nearby. We finally met for coffee one morning. Mike still lives in Fairbanks, Alaska, as do a son and daughter. After graduating from Lehigh, Mike worked several years for a large accounting firm. He then went into the service and spent time in Pakistan. Upon leaving the service, he joined another major accounting firm and ended up in Fairbanks. Craig Anderson and his wife, Judy, have visited Mike in years past, as did Steve Solomon and Art Moshos. Mike remains a strong supporter of Lehigh and our class and would love to have any of us taking an Alaskan cruise that stops in Fairbanks to look him up. He can be reached at 907-457-7836. While in Jupiter, we met up with Bill Ross’ widow, Dottie, for the annual Super Bowl party. John MacWilliams could not make it up from Delray, Fla., this year as he had taken another fall. However, Dottie’s son, James, was there with his son, Tyler. We met up with John Cunningham and his wife, Karen, at the Palm Beach Par 3 golf course for lunch. John is still active selling a line of clothing and other items to country clubs and private clubs. He spends about three months in Palm Beach annually. Besides golf, John is still playing tennis. Hope to hear from some other classmates before my next column. ’61 Editor’s note: On March 23, 2023, Bob Paternoster passed away after a battle with cancer. He has served in many roles as a university volunteer, including as class correspondent since his graduation. Bob’s columns were always filled to the brim with interesting news. His quiet consistency, leadership and dedication will be greatly missed. For his decades of exemplary service, Lehigh was honored to recognize him with the Alumni Award at Reunion 2022. After attending Reunion in June 2022, Bob wrote three columns immediately to ensure that he included all the classmates with whom he enjoyed spending time. This is the last of those three columns. It is published here as he wrote it. I think that Jan and Dave Hapke have attended practically every one of our five-year reunions since graduation. It was great to see them again at the class dinner, the final event of our 60th reunion on Saturday evening. The couple had recently completed their move from Connecticut to a retirement community in Falmouth, Maine, just 15 minutes away from one of their three daughters. Dave enjoyed 32 years with IBM, before beginning a 24-year teaching career at Pace University. John Kuney was also an employee of IBM but retired in 1991 at the age of 52. Although he spent a few years at H&R Block during tax season, he and Grace have actually been enjoying retirement for over 30 years. They got into a “cruise craze,” enjoying Hawaii, Alaska and other vacation spots aboard ship. When they decided to cruise from New Orleans to Brazil, they contacted Roy Cravzow, who set them up with a friend who gave them a full-day personal tour of Rio. Things have changed over the past two years, when John shifted to caregiver after Grace suffered a serious stroke. Ed Watters, together with the entire family of Betha McMillan, occupied a whole table at the dinner. Betha is a late comer to our class, having graduated in the fall of 1961. Ed explained that Mac was a fellow member of Theta Chi, but only after Ed and Tom Gilhool ’60 fought to convince their national organization to accept a Black person into the fraternity. Betha became the first Black member of a Lehigh fraternity. Ed has enjoyed quite a career in academia. He taught four years at Lehigh (where he was cited four times as an outstanding professor), served as provost at Penn College and then became president of Montgomery County Community College near Philadelphia. He retired at age 50 and has since been a part-time international consultant in leadership development, strategic planning and integration of foreign and American companies. He and Kathleen are proud of their adopted son, from Vietnam, who successfully graduated from Lehigh. It was 25 years ago that Doug Braendel retired as a colonel from the Army Medical Service Corps. He met his wife, Camie, while serving in Germany. He then spent 15 years as manager for the Officers’ Christian Conference Center. He currently serves on the boards of directors for the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation and for Orphan Voice, a Christian ministry in Vietnam. He and Camie live in Bedford, Pa. Jack Bechtold and I were vying for the classmate who traveled farthest to attend the reunion. (I think that Long Beach beats Valencia, Calif.!) Jack has spent his whole career in California, working 40 years for Lockheed, where he became chief engineer for the SR71 reconnaissance aircraft. He and Tina have a summer home in Lake Arrowhead, where he watches his grandkids sail when not racing his own sailboat, the Ninja. Joe Napravnik is living in West Chester, Pa., where — believe it or not — he is currently taking flying lessons at Brandywine Airport. Joe retired in 2000, when he sold the temporary employment business he had established in Norristown. He and Robbie snowbird in Florida during winter months. The highlight of the class dinner for me came after dessert, when class President Paul Smith stood up, silenced the small band that entertained throughout dinner and announced that the first dance was reserved for Bob Paternoster and wife Rona, the most recently wed member of the class. So ended another successful and memorable reunion for the Class of ’61. ’62 Philip J. Kinzel, 808 South Drive, Brick, NJ 08724. (732) 295.2106(H); (973) 226.1430(W); (973) 464.8282 (cell); The media provided lots of opportunity for us couch potatoes to watch the EIWA and NCAA wrestling tournaments. The Easterns were exciting, with Lehigh finishing second after Cornell. Our two Eastern champs joined three other