Summer Bulletin 2023

FROM THE NEST | SUMMER 2023 | 35 “THE AIR CONDITIONING IN STABLER WAS NOT FINISHED, AND IT WAS HOT, HOT, HOT ON JUNE 1, 1980!” —Ruth Kossin Queen ’80 The 155th Spring Undergraduate Commencement ceremony took place May 21, 2023. “My parents wearing fake glasses with noses and mustaches in Stabler Arena so I could find them in the crowd.” —Sarah Hayward Lynch ’89 “My grandmother being there all the way from Barbados. A college education wasn’t a life opportunity presented to her.” —Jonathan Martindale ’01 “How incredibly sad and happy I was all on the same day! End of a fabulous life experience, on to many more.” — Mary Ellen Villegas Rudel ’86 “That I cried the entire way home after it was over. I was so sad to leave my Lehigh friends, but 33 years later I am happy to say they are still a part of my life.” —Sandra Longo Durante ’90 “MAYA ANGELOU SINGING.” —Kimberly Murphy ’05 “WE HAD MONTEL WILLIAMS YELLING, ‘MOUNTAIN, GET OUT OF MY WAY.’” —Kathy Blair ’00 “My hangover.” —Michael York ’94