Summer Bulletin 2023

FROM THE NEST | SUMMER 2023 | 23 Lehigh’s 155th Commencement celebration took place over two days, with a graduate ceremony featuring Amy Weaver ’23P, Salesforce president and CFO and a member of Lehigh’s Board of Trustees, as keynote speaker, and the following day, an undergraduate ceremony with NBA star CJ McCollum ’13 returning to his alma mater to address graduates. Goodman Stadium hosted both celebrations May 20-21. In her address to graduate students, Weaver recognized the qualities that define a leader: confidence, decisiveness, fearlessness, resourcefulness and resilience. But she encouraged graduates to also embrace another quality of leadership—kindness. “I’m here to tell you that kindness is not a weakness in the workplace; it’s a strength,” Weaver said. “Real leadership is not the ability to dominate and control others. It’s the ability to bring people together—across any differences—to get things done, to build, to create. And that takes many qualities—including kindness. Treating people with respect, civility and decency. Carrying yourself with humility and honesty. Leading with gratitude and empathy.” In his address to undergraduates, McCollum, point guard for the New Orleans Pelicans, entrepreneur and philanthropist, reminisced about his own graduation a decade earlier and that of his wife, Dr. Elise McCollum ’13 ’14G, whom he met at Lehigh. He encouraged graduates to seize opportunities and persevere, identifying five steps to success: evaluate goals, get rid of distractions, be patient and willing to take risks, and to not stop, even if one falters, “until you’ve climbed the mountaintop.” McCollum said, “It’s how we respond to, and push through adversity that makes us the individuals we ultimately become. Most people walk away from their dreams just before they break through to success. COMMENCEMENT Celebrating the Class of 2023 Salesforce President Amy Weaver ’23P and NBA star CJ McCollum ’13 deliver keynotes. “IT’S HOW WE RESPOND TO, AND PUSH THROUGH ADVERSITY THAT MAKES US THE INDIVIDUALS WE ULTIMATELY BECOME. MOST PEOPLE WALK AWAY FROM THEIR DREAMS JUST BEFORE THEY BREAK THROUGH TO SUCCESS.” —CJ McCollum '13 “I’M HERE TO TELL YOU THAT KINDNESS IS NOT A WEAKNESS IN THE WORPLACE, IT’S A STRENGTH. REAL LEADERSHIP IS NOT THE ABILITY TO DOMINATE AND CONTROL OTHERS.” —Amy Weaver ’23P 1,940 Number of new alumni in Class of 2023 132 Number receiving interdisciplinary degrees 41 Number of states represented 54 Number of countries represented 507 Number of master’s degrees 118 Number of doctoral degrees COMMENCEMENT BY THE NUMBERS SCAN TO VIEW THE 2023 COMMENCEMENT HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO. CJ McCollum ’13 CHRISTA NEU