Summer Bulletin

S UMM E R 2 0 2 2 | 1 COMMENCEMENT 2022 Lehigh’s 154th Commencement took place under sunny skies, with about 1,500 students receiving undergraduate, master’s or doctoral degrees at two separate ceremonies. Clockwise from top left: Mace bearer Kashi Johnson leads Lehigh President Joseph J. Helble ’82, Commencement Speaker Judy Marks ’84 ’13P and other Lehigh dignitaries into Goodman Stadium for the graduate Commencement ceremony and doctoral hooding on May 22; students at Lehigh’s undergraduate Commencement ceremony May 23; Salma Elboute, Zaria Beckley, Sabrina Noel Jeune and Taylor Barrett ’22; triplets Kevin, Katie and Shaun McNulty ’22; Devon Carter ’22 Ph.D.; and Marks, the chair, CEO and president of Otis Worldwide Corporation. PHOTOS BY CHRISTA NEU