Stabler Report 2023

Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is the induction ceremony. It was a comforting tradition to feel at home at Lehigh and to connect with my class. Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA College: College of Business Major: Management Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose Lehigh University for the balance I saw in the school. Upon researching the school, I noticed how many students had multiple majors/minors, belonged to many clubs, and found study-abroad opportunities. With a major in business, I wanted to be able to have a minor in something non-business related, and what I found was population health. When joining clubs, I knew right away I wanted to be a part of club field hockey and try new clubs. Another part that stood out to me was the studyabroad programs that Lehigh makes accessible to everyone. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite class at Lehigh so far was Population Health Data Science with Professor Thomas McAndrew. This course applied basic statistics to different types of data. The medium class size made me comfortable raising my hand for questions and contributing answers. I was excited to go to class. It showed me how interesting problem-solving is, and Professor McAndrew made us think at a deeper level. Every class consisted of lectures as well as time to work with peers and Professor McAndrew. This class confirmed my interest in minoring in population health while seeking classes like this in my business major. Interests outside of classroom: I am passionate about club field hockey because I believe it benefits many students in finding a group of friends, doing physical activity, and taking care of mental health. After completing one year on the team, I decided to apply for the co-president role and will be starting this role in the fall. I am super excited to learn more about directing a team and to share my passion with others. A message from Delfina: Thank you for your contribution to Lehigh University. I am so thankful to attend Lehigh, but I would not be able to without your generosity. Lehigh University has made my college experience an experience of a lifetime. I have two siblings in college who are working to pay off their education, and without financial aid, I would not be able to afford Lehigh. When I graduate, I hope to be somewhere in the business world moving closer to a stable life, and I will be able to do that a lot quicker than if I did not have scholarships. DELFINA SZIGETHY