Stabler Report 2023

MELISSA CARACCIOLO Hometown: Lancaster, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering Why did you choose Lehigh? I am proud to be a Lehigh engineer. I think the engineering college has an amazing faculty and great opportunities. Specifically, I love how accessible professors are and how surrounded I am by research opportunities. Also, Lehigh’s plethora of clubs intrigued me when choosing where I would go to college. Specifically, I am in Lehigh’s Engineers Without Borders club, and I am on the board. Last semester, I had the pleasure of working on a project centered in Ghana. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite class is Industrial Systems Engineering 240, which focuses on optimization in operations research. My professor is extremely knowledgeable and engaging during class lectures. She has spoken about her research in healthcare, which has inspired my interest in operations research. I think optimization in healthcare is something I will pursue after earning my degree. Also, all the content in the class revolves around real-world problems, which helps me absorb the information more readily. The class also uses software called AMPL, which I find enjoyable to use because I am minoring in computer science. Interests outside the classroom: I enjoy being outside. I enjoy running and hiking, especially in the beautiful Lehigh scenery. I also enjoy volunteering and working with kids, which is something I do for my work study. Additionally, I am passionate about animals. I love learning about animals and going to zoos and aquariums. I personally have many pets at home that I love to spend time with and take care of in my free time. A message from Melissa: I am extremely grateful for the scholarships and financial aid at Lehigh. They have helped me to afford and immerse myself in college without the worries of finances. It has also taken a great burden off my family. Many students work part-time jobs on top of being full-time students. My financial aid has given me the time to work to my fullest potential and dedicate time to other passions that would otherwise be put towards a part-time job. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry. During the week of the LeLaf football game, I love the sense of camaraderie on campus. Also, people hang up funny signs all around campus.