Stabler Report 2023


2022-2023 STABLER SCHOLARSHIP REPORT Since 1965, the Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler Scholarship has continued to make a profound impact on generations of Lehigh students. Lehigh’s vibrant community and rigorous academics draw students to campus. Once on South Mountain, these students capitalize on research opportunities, extracurricular activities, internships, and networking to help them realize their full potential. Scholarships and financial aid make it possible for them to pursue opportunities that may otherwise be beyond their reach. Andrew Bilotta ’25 reflects, “Thanks to scholarships and financial aid, I am able to attend Lehigh as I learn and grow in ways I could have never imagined. I now have access to incredible professors, a jazz program that is bringing my musical abilities to a whole new level, and numerous opportunities to do research. I feel like I have found the challenge that I have always been looking for.” The Stabler Scholarship makes it possible for students to use every opportunity that Lehigh has to offer. Like Andrew, this year’s cohort has enjoyed longstanding Lehigh traditions such as the LehighLafayette Rivalry, the Rally, and the Marching 97. Students are also taking full advantage of additional educational and research opportunities through projects and internships in various entrepreneurship and global impact programs, travel abroad, and many other initiatives. These distinctive programs support, guide, challenge, and inspire our students. The Stabler Scholarship is monumental in supporting a student’s journey at Lehigh. The students you will read about in the following pages embody Lehigh’s mission: to advance learning through the integration of teaching, research, and service to others. Donald B. and Dorothy L. Stabler’s enduring generosity and legacy are felt every day throughout the Lehigh community and our world. In the words of Hannah Alas ’25, “This scholarship gives me the freedom and opportunity to explore many possibilities for my future career and eventually give back to my community, my family, and Lehigh.” Stabler Scholars are grateful for the inspiration and all that it makes possible. The following pages will provide you with an insight into the gratitude they feel as expressed in their own words. The legacy of Donald and Dorothy Stabler will live on in the experiences, opportunities, and discoveries that this scholarship makes possible for Lehigh students. Thank you for the continued difference you are making in the lives of our students and our community. 38% of 2022-23 Stabler Scholars identify as first-generation college students

STABLER SCHOLAR SPOTLIGHTS “Scholarships and financial aid are making a huge difference in my life. Without them, I would not be able to attend Lehigh University and experience the charm of the community in South Bethlehem and everything that comes with that. I am so very grateful to you for this scholarship. I hope to continue to do my best to appreciate everything in my life that has happened because of your support. Thank you! ” Sarah Gill ’25

ANGELO CERMINARA Hometown: Dresher, PA College: College of Business Major: Accounting and Finance Why did you choose Lehigh? I am extremely grateful to be at Lehigh. From the moment I toured the university in my junior year of high school, I knew it was where I was meant to be. Aside from feeling at home on South Mountain, there were other facets of the school that attracted me. Lehigh’s study abroad programs are abundant and accessible. Right now, I plan on double majoring in accounting and finance with a minor in Spanish. Since I am interested in global business, I feel as if studying abroad — especially with the Spanish minor — will be an unmatched opportunity. Before I made my college decision, I talked with current Lehigh students who graduated from my high school. Hearing them talk about their experiences with traditions, Greek life, classes, and more made me realize Lehigh was the perfect fit for me. What is your favorite class or subject? So far at Lehigh, my general business classes excite me the most. The business curriculum has been extremely handson and more than just memorizing terms from a textbook. Through my business communications class, I learned how to network through Lehigh resources, enhance my resume, and build my LinkedIn profile. It is experiences and mentorships like these that I feel will help me be successful in the coming years. Interests outside the classroom: I like traveling, running, snowboarding, and playing spikeball. A message from Angelo: Thank you for making this scholarship opportunity possible. This is especially useful for me considering that I come from a single-parent home. My mother is carrying the burden of my college education on her own. While she is doing the best she can, school is expensive. With this scholarship lifting some of the financial burdens, I will have more energy to put into what I value most at Lehigh: learning and making connections. I am extremely grateful for the help that you provide to students like me, and I aspire to do the same for others in the near future. Favorite Lehigh tradition: The Lehigh Rally — it was my first time experiencing a Lehigh tradition, and it shows the value of the university to its alumni.

Hometown: Lafayette Hill, PA College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Architecture Why did you choose Lehigh? Throughout high school, Lehigh was always the university I dreamed of and saw myself attending. It was the perfect balance of interdisciplinary work and collaborative learning environments. Additionally, the smaller campus and undergraduate enrollment size I believed would best allow me to create personal and deeper connections with professors and peers. What is your favorite class or subject? The 3D design class was my favorite course I’ve taken so far at Lehigh. Being able to work in a collaborative environment alongside my peers is a space I thrive best in. Additionally, learning through hands-on and engaging projects was a great way for me to gain the best understanding of the techniques and design methods we were taught. Interests outside the classroom: Giving back and volunteering is something that is very important to me, and I work hard to incorporate it into my life as much as possible. A message from Averie: Thank you for your support. Because of people like you, I am fortunate enough to attend a wonderful university like Lehigh. Growing up in a single-parent household, academics were always a priority. However, private school education was, and still is, financially an ongoing burden. Being able to study and work with professors at Lehigh, I know this will best set me up for achieving my academic and work goals of becoming an architect and working in the real estate world. Without Lehigh and its wonderful donors, these goals and future wouldn’t be possible to achieve. AVERIE SCHNUPP Favorite Lehigh tradition Lehigh-Lafayette day was by far my favorite event this year at Lehigh. It was so nice to see the whole Lehigh community come together.

“One of my lifelong goals is to be the first in my family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in America. Over the past generations, only two completed that achievement in Mexico. With your support, I would be the first on my mom’s and dad’s sides to graduate from an American four-year college, setting the pathway for the rest of my lineage. Thank you.” Miguel Vazquez ’25

CASEY CONBOY Hometown: Dumont, NJ College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Biochemistry Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose Lehigh mainly for the amazing research opportunities. In spring 2020, I came across a Zoom call hosted by Lehigh professors to tell prospective students about their research labs. The professor who stood out to me most was Dr. David Zappulla and his research on telomerase in the model organism of yeast. His work caught my attention for its connection to molecular biology and biochemistry as well as its application to questions of aging and health and cancer research. I was so motivated after this call to learn from this professor. Luckily, I landed a spot in his Molecular Biology, Aging, and Health freshman seminar class. Here, I presented a project on centenarians and super-centenarians. After my presentation, I was offered a position in his research lab. The subject of this lab aligns very well with my interests in research and careers for the future of cancer treatment development. What is your favorite class or subject? The courses that excite me most are those that pertain to my major, biochemistry. Recently, I had the pleasure of taking chemistry with Professor Greg Ferguson. I so enjoyed his class. He was a wealth of knowledge and never failed to connect our topics to the real world. Another very meaningful experience has been my involvement in the Science Educational Alliance Phages Lab (SEAPHAGES). This lab enabled me to take on my own independent research project of discovering and classifying novel bacteriophages while instilling me with basic biology lab skills. What made this one of the most rewarding hands-on experiences is the independence. It was on the student to learn the theory behind the wet lab procedures and the procedures themselves before applying them. - Interests outside the classroom: I enjoy spending time with friends and family. I also enjoy staying organized through bullet journaling and channeling my creative side by making picture collages for my friends and myself. A message from Casey: Thank you so much for your generous gift to Lehigh. Your dedication is truly inspiring. Scholarships are incredibly important as they enable me to stay at Lehigh. I know this is the best place for me to achieve my dreams of undergraduate research, an academically challenging curriculum, as well as a fun and lively social life. This scholarship makes my dreams of a sophisticated education a reality. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is the LehighLafayette Rivalry game! It is so much fun showing my Lehigh pride with my friends!

GRACE DUKE Hometown: Stormville, NY College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Bioengineering Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose to attend Lehigh due to the magnificent balance of social life and academics here. I know that I am able to partake in Greek life and hang out with my friends while still having access to top-notch programs. When choosing a school, I looked into each school’s engineering programs, and it was evident that Lehigh offered the most. This school has so many opportunities. Research is open to anyone, there are many academic societies, the professors are rooting for your success, and the alumni connections are evident in every field. I am excited to continue to utilize what Lehigh offers. What is your favorite class or subject? Being part of the Global Social Impact Fellowship (GSIF) program is what has excited me this past year at Lehigh and is beyond meaningful to me, especially because I am in Sierra Leone as I write this. This program has allowed me to increase my knowledge of the world, different cultures, entrepreneurship, and implementing products in low-income countries. This learning experience has been like no other I have ever been a part of. I have been able to work with the knowledgeable Khanjan Mehta as my teacher and have met many influential people in the classroom since I arrived here to do fieldwork! Interests outside the classroom: I love to travel, hang out with my sorority sisters, and take walks all over Bethlehem. A message from Grace: Thank you! I cannot stress how much this scholarship has alleviated financial stress for me and my family and that it is a huge part of the reason I am able to attend Lehigh. Due to the pandemic, my father’s self-run company had severely suffered, and it became an issue as I soon needed to choose a college my family could afford. I immediately knew Lehigh was the place for me once I caught wind of what it offered and how being on campus made me feel. Receiving this scholarship allowed me to make the feeling I got at Lehigh permanent, and I cannot thank you enough. My goal is to become a bioengineer. I am involved in Global Social Impact Fellowship and attended the Society of Women Engineers conference in Houston, Texas. That would not have happened without financial aid. Favorite Lehigh tradition Chicken Finger Friday. There is nothing better than finishing my classes on Friday and getting to start my weekend with some chicken fingers.

SOFIA RUIZ Hometown: Belleville, NJ College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Chemical Engineering Why did you choose Lehigh? What excites me about Lehigh is the great number of opportunities available for students in different areas such as research and internships. For example, this summer I had the opportunity to choose from the Hatchery Program, Mountaintop research, STEM-SI research, and more while being just a rising sophomore! Moreover, the strong connections with alumni and the resources available to students, such as the career center and the tutoring center. What is your favorite class or subject? The course that currently excites me is the Creative Inquiry class I took over the spring and will be continuing during the fall. This course has allowed me to learn a lot about starting from an idea and actually implementing it. In this course, I am working on improving nutrition in Sierra Leone, and through that, I am learning about all the different aspects that can affect our idea (making micronutrient-rich sweet potato muffins) as we try to implement it in Sierra Leone. Not only am I creating a real impact, but I am also learning about the process and all the things that are important to consider. Interests outside the classroom: I am part of two dance clubs at Lehigh: Belly Dancing and Tumbao. I also love to hike, volunteer, ice-skate, spend time with my friends, and paint at Lehigh After Dark events. A message from Sofia: Thank you so much for believing in my dream to receive a great education. Being a first-generation, low-income minority going to an out-of-state university is challenging in many ways. Thanks to you and your support, there is one less burden I have to worry about. Without scholarships and financial aid, I would not be able to attend Lehigh and take advantage of all the different opportunities and resources it has to offer. These opportunities will not only help me advance my education but will also help me grow as an individual. Favorite Lehigh tradition Marching 97 EcoFlame, Chicken Finger Friday, and Bed Races.

ALYSSA WEEKS Hometown: New York, NY College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Chemical Engineering Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose Lehigh because of its strong engineering program. Growing up, I was always a humanities student, but in high school, I was invited to join an honors STEM program. Through those years I’ve grown to really love STEM — specifically chemical engineering. When I got accepted into Lehigh, I knew that they would really help me use this love of STEM to do great things! What is your favorite class or subject? Material and Energy Balances of Chemical Processes really excites me! As a chemical engineer, I’ve heard so many stories about how difficult it was, making me really nervous to take the course. But I am now in my second week of classes, and my professor has made me feel so comfortable asking questions and confident that I can pass this course with a really good grade. Additionally, even though the course will be challenging, it will be very applicable to my future classes and my practice when I actually start my career. Interests outside the classroom: I really enjoy film analysis. I’m in the horror movie/film club, and it’s one of my favorite activities. I feel like film analysis is very underrated and deserves more attention. I enjoy reading as well, but there are certain themes that must be seen to truly understand. I believe that it’s easier to connect emotionally with the characters and plot when it’s pictured rather than written. I also really enjoy the gym. Initially I started going as a small New Year’s resolution like most people, but after a while it became very therapeutic and helped me reset my body and mind for the rest of my day. A message from Alyssa: I am so incredibly grateful for this scholarship! For my freshman year, financial aid was very rough for my family; it even became a possibility that I wouldn’t be able to come back to Lehigh for my sophomore year. When I received that news I was devastated because I’ve made so many friends and memories at Lehigh and formed so many amazing bonds. I genuinely didn’t know what I would do if I wasn’t able to return to Lehigh. This scholarship gave my family and I a lot of relief. We truly do feel blessed that I was a recipient of this scholarship. Favorite Lehigh tradition I love the Marching 97. Most of my friend group is in Marching 97 and although I cannot play an instrument, I love their energy and sense of community!

ANDREW BILOTTA Hometown: Spring City, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Civil Engineering Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose Lehigh because I wanted to challenge myself. Growing up, I always heard about Lehigh’s rigorous engineering program, but I knew this was the place where I also discovered all of the ways I could grow myself musically. Additionally, the school was the perfect size in the sense that I could meet new people every day without compromising on access to staff and other resources. Above all, the campus is gorgeous, even if it is at a 45-degree angle. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite courses at Lehigh have been Calculus and Engineering. I love Calculus because it can be difficult at times, but when I really work at it, I feel a great sense of satisfaction when I master a topic. I find that math is also a great subject to study with friends. I remember that in the fall of my freshman year, my gryphon and I would get a giant whiteboard at the library and go through all the different problems and then compare notes. My TAs for my math classes were also incredible and always went above and beyond to make sure that everyone felt comfortable with the course material. I really enjoyed engineering as well because I got to try out different engineering disciplines and also heard tips from Lehigh alumni. Interests outside the classroom: Outside the classroom, I love to play the piano, run, and bike, but I am especially passionate about roller coasters. I love riding them, designing them in games, doodling them on paper, researching how they work (especially the brake systems), and I love talking about them with my friends. I have a miniature model of Skyrush at Hershey Park in my room, and as a kid, I bought a wagon to ride down my hill so that I could replicate the coaster experience in my backyard. A message from Andrew: Lehigh was my dream school, but I never thought I would be able to go here due to the cost. Thanks to scholarships and financial aid, I am able to attend Lehigh as I learn and grow in ways I could have never imagined. I now have access to incredible professors, a jazz program that is bringing my musical abilities to a whole new level, and numerous opportunities to do research. I feel like I have found the challenge that I have always been looking for, and I feel that, even after one year of college, I have matured significantly. Favorite Lehigh tradition Le-Laf Week, because I love the funny signs around town and how the marching band plays in the buildings.

KYLE YENSER Hometown: Spring City, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Civil Engineering Why did you choose Lehigh? I came to Lehigh mainly because of its name in engineering. I also am aware of the wonderful research and internship opportunities and will be looking into both very shortly with the intention of pursuing them this coming summer or the next. I am eager to take advantage of all the resources Lehigh has to offer. What is your favorite class or subject? I really enjoy my time spent in the choir and other music-related courses. This is a subject in which I am confident of my ability. It often serves as a place to wind down, get lost in the music, and just peacefully exist. Steven Sametz (or Doc as we call him) has had a large impact on me. Choir, in his words, is “food for the soul.” Music has its way of calming the storms of life, which is why I am blessed to be involved in it. Interests outside the classroom: I am proudly in an a cappella group called Off the Record. I also play/learn guitar recreationally and sing in a church choir at St. Anne’s. Outside music, I am a member of the disc golf club, where I have the opportunity to get off campus and disc golf weekly. A message from Kyle: Lehigh is an amazing school, and studying here is such a privilege. Shouldering the cost, however, is hard. Without financial aid and scholarship funds, I firmly believe that I would not be financially able to attend this university. It is because of people like you, willing to selflessly forfeit their own hard-earned money, that students like me can receive a degree from the illustrious Lehigh University. I would like to offer my deep and humble gratitude to all of those who have made my past, present, and future experiences at Lehigh possible. Thank you so much for your generosity. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is the whole week of festivities leading up to Le-laf!

“Thank you so much for your generous gift to Lehigh. Your dedication is truly inspiring. Scholarships are incredibly important as they enable me to stay at Lehigh. I know this is the best place for me to achieve my dreams of undergraduate research, an academically challenging curriculum, as well as a fun and lively social life. This scholarship makes my dreams of a sophisticated education a reality.” Casey Conboy ’25

DAVID CUEVA Hometown: Woodside, NY College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Computer Science and Business Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose Lehigh because of the Computer Science and Business (CSB) program that allows you to gain a degree in two departments. It replaces electives and other courses that aren’t really connected to my major and expands my knowledge of subjects I find more important. It excites me that my CSB degree will open up opportunities to work in either an engineering firm or finance firm, and maybe even a combination of both. This is not available in most schools, and the fact that Lehigh offers this really brought me here. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite course has been Programming and Data Structures in Computer Science and Engineering because it really challenged me and forced me to think outside the box. The way that the course is taught is based on projects with little guidance from professors, which allows students to really gain a deep understanding of programming because they have to attempt to figure it out on their own. Interests outside the classroom: Something that I am really passionate about outside the classroom is watching soccer. I am a huge fan of Atletico Madrid and hope to one day watch them in person in Spain. Soccer has been an opportunity to connect with my father and siblings, and we made it a tradition to watch soccer games every weekend. A message from David: Thank you for this scholarship. It is really making a huge impact on my life. My parents and older siblings all came from Ecuador in the early 2000s and have had to make a bunch of sacrifices in order for myself and my siblings to succeed. Without your scholarship and financial aid, there is no way I would be able to attend a school of Lehigh’s prestige. I’m glad you provide me an opportunity to make my family proud. I do not take the opportunities presented to me for granted, and I hope you can see this as I strive to make the dean’s list every semester and have been successful as of now. I hope that one day I will be able to provide these same opportunities to future Lehigh students because it can really change the lives of many students as it has for me. Thank you. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is the LehighLafayette Rivalry because it is great to see how the school really unites together.

LUCA PRANDO Hometown: Center Valley, PA College: College of Business Major: Computer Science and Business Why did you choose Lehigh? Since moving from Italy to the Lehigh Valley five years ago, I’ve been familiar with Lehigh University and knew it was a prestigious school. When it came to applying for schools I started to speak to alumni near me and realized how much Lehigh had helped them become successful and how connected the Lehigh alumni network really was. One moment that sealed the deal was when I got to speak with Mike Caruso, former Lehigh wrestling star. He told me how much the school helped him achieve his goals and become successful in the business field. I was truly inspired by his story, and it motivated me to continue working hard so that I could get accepted into Lehigh and be around more people like him. I am ecstatic to be a Lehigh student right now, and I really feel like I have found my place. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite classes are anything that have to do with computer science. At the beginning of my time at Lehigh, I was originally planning on majoring in business, and I had no prior knowledge of anything computer science-related. During my first semester, I decided to take Survey of Computer Science, an introductory course, as an elective just so I could try something new. I ended up loving the class and realizing that I was pretty good at programming as well. Thanks to this experience, I decided to switch my major to computer science and business, and I am excited to learn more about how I can combine the two fields. Interests outside the classroom: I love traveling and exploring new places, learning about new things, meeting new people, and solving logic puzzles like sudoku and nonograms. I have also developed a passion for cooking after spending the summer taking cooking lessons from my Nonna. A message from Luca: Thank you for this scholarship on behalf of my entire family, including everyone in Italy. When I was deciding what school to attend, financial aid was a major factor that played into my final decision. Thanks to people like you, Lehigh offered me the best financial package of all the schools that I got into, and I couldn’t be happier because Lehigh was my first choice. I’ve always had a bit of extra motivation to work hard, but now I am even more motivated as I want to prove to you that you made the right choice by providing this opportunity. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition has been Lehigh-Lafayette by far. I loved seeing and feeling all the school pride leading up to the game.

“Thank you so much for believing in my dream to receive a great education. Being a first-generation, low-income minority going to an out-of-state university is challenging in many ways. Thanks to you and your support, there is one less burden I have to worry about. Without scholarship and financial aid, I would not be able to attend Lehigh and take advantage of all the different opportunities and resources it has to offer. These opportunities will not only help me advance my education but will also help me grow as an individual. ” Sofia Ruiz ’25

ABIGAIL VOGEL Hometown: Milford, PA College: Interdisciplinary Major: Computer Science and Business Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose to attend Lehigh because I wanted to combine my interests in computer science and business with this unique double-major, single-degree program that other schools did not offer. I also was enticed by the school spirit Lehigh has, shown by the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry, even though this is a smaller school. In my opinion, Lehigh is the perfect amount of school spirit and academics that cater to individuals. Throughout my time here, I have made amazing friends and have been given countless opportunities, such as the Lehigh in Barcelona program, where I attended a class and worked as an intern in Barcelona over the summer. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite subject is computer science. I enjoy learning about this field of science, which is constantly changing and evolving. There are also many different aspects of computer science, such as front-end development and data science, that I find fascinating. I enjoy the hands-on learning process in these classes and how applicable they are to careers in this field. Recently, I was a computer science intern for a startup company in Barcelona, and I was shocked to see how my coding knowledge that I learned at Lehigh carried over into this internship. Interests outside he classroom: I enjoy reading, playing ultimate frisbee, and going to cafés with friends. A message from Abigail: Thank you so much for this scholarship. I am grateful for the opportunities it has given me at Lehigh, such as attending the Lehigh in Barcelona program in the summer, which allowed me to receive an internship experience the summer after my freshman year. You have given me the opportunity to reach my academic and professional goals. Your support has also helped relieve financial stress from my family and me. We truly appreciate you. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh traditions are the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry and Chicken Finger Friday.

THONG VU Hometown: Denver, CO College: Interdisciplinary Major: Computer Science and Business Why did you choose Lehigh? I came to Lehigh because I was interested in the Computer Science and Business (CSB) program. I’ve always felt like computer science was what I wanted to study for my career, but I wanted to set myself apart from my peers. I had some prior experience with business through a summer program that I participated in during high school. This development led me to believe that CSB would be a good fit for my future goals. In addition, I chose to go to Lehigh because I wanted to place myself in a position where I was far away from home and forced to become independent. I wanted to challenge myself in multiple different aspects of my life, so I chose a school that is both educationally challenging and has a unique campus experience. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite courses are computer science courses because I enjoy typing code and developing solutions to problems. Professor James Brennan has been the most memorable professor due to his charisma. I enjoyed learning about business management and how the business environment can vary greatly for different companies. I feel like all the courses I’ve been through have been meaningful for my future. I think courses where I get the opportunity to work in a group have especially been impactful in developing my future communication skills. Interests outside the classroom: I enjoy trying a variety of foods and going to different restaurants. I also enjoy hiking and visiting large national parks. Some hobbies I have are gardening, tutoring, and trying escape rooms. A message from Thong: Thank you so much for helping to fund my education. Financial aid and the assistance of scholarships are the only reasons why I was able to take this opportunity to go to Lehigh. Without your generous help, I wouldn’t be able to afford to go to college out of state and experience so many new and exciting events. I have two other siblings as well, so the financial aid helps my parents to pay for my siblings to go to college, too. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition so far is Chicken Finger Friday.

FARHAN HASIB Hometown: Columbia, SC College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Computer Science Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose Lehigh for various reasons, one of which is my plan to major in computer science (CS) and Lehigh’s excellent CS program and research opportunities, such as the I-DISC lab. Another reason is how social and friendly everyone is and the high level of school spirit everyone possesses. I also learned about the great deal of career resources and how Lehigh helps students with exploring careers, networking with potential employers, helping prepare resumes and for job interviews, and more. I personally believe Lehigh’s career center is one of the best college career centers out there. What is your favorite class or subject? The courses that excited me the most have been Applied Engineering Computer Methods and Introduction to Programming. I loved both of these as the topics and content were quite interesting. I was able to learn Python and organize data through Python’s libraries such as NumPy and Pandas, and plot the data using Matplotlib (another of Python’s libraries). In the same course, I also learned Raspberry Pi and how to use it to operate and navigate a small, simple robot using Python, which was very fun and exciting. I loved Introduction to Programming not only because I enjoyed the content (the Java language), but also how enjoyable and stress-free the instructor made the class. Professor Kallie Ziltz not only made the class easy and laid back but also at times took into consideration the mental health and stress of the students by extending deadlines and posting recordings of the lectures to help those who would miss them. She taught the class really well and made the course less intimidating. I believe as a professor, she has made the biggest impact on me so far. Interests outside the classroom: I love playing soccer, watching soccer and other sports, playing table tennis, hiking, cooking, reading books, playing video games, and sometimes traveling. A message from Farhan: Thank you! Thank you so much for making such a big impact on my life! In these challenging times with high inflation and rising costs, this scholarship alleviates some financial burden for my family and makes it possible for me to keep attending Lehigh and receive a great education. Without your support, coming to Lehigh would not have been financially possible. It is my will to also give back to the Lehigh community once I am able to. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite tradition is the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry and the LeLaf weekend. The buildup, the hype, and the atmosphere are the absolute best!

SELASE DZATHOR Hometown: Ridgeland, MS College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Computer Science Why did you choose Lehigh? Lehigh gives its students many opportunities to “get in the mix.” Whether it be through the career fair I attended last week, the classes that force you to go out of your comfort zone and try something new like ART 195, the many internship and research opportunities up at Mountaintop, or the unique and specialized clubs, I know when I graduate, I will have so many unique experiences that could only happen in the environment this school has set up for its students. This is a place where I could never get bored because there is always something to do or something new to experience. The most exciting part about being here is that it is an open adventure. No matter what path I take in pursuing my degree, it is going to be filled with unique and memorable experiences. What is your favorite class or subject? Without a doubt, my favorite subject has to be computer science (CS). There are so many aspects to CS that make it so much fun. Each challenge given to you is like a puzzle made of mini puzzles. Engineering 010, for all intents and purposes, was also a computer science course I took in spring 2022. The labs, involving coding a tiny robot to move, took place in a hot, stuffy, and cramped room. The plight of us students coming together to help one another finish the assignment before passing out due to heatstroke will be one of those memories I won’t forget. In conclusion, computer science is exciting, collaborative, expressive, challenging, and neat. Interests outside the classroom: Pixel art (spriting), guitar, and videogame development A message from Selase: I would not be at Lehigh if not for the generous donations and aid given to me. I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be able to attend and be a part of such a wonderful school. My mother and father have always taken education very seriously. They both are aware that the quality of education I have will be the determinant of the quality of life I will live as a full-fledged adult. Because of that, they have sacrificed so much to provide quality education for me and my three siblings. The weight of providing for four children in addition to paying for their quality schooling was already straining my parents. As a result, I was fully prepared to go to an in-state college. Thankfully, I was blessed with the chance of a lifetime to go out into unfamiliar territory. It also gives my sister the opportunity to do so too. Under normal circumstances, this would not happen. This is a reality only thanks to the boundless generosity of the Lehigh community. Favorite Lehigh tradition Bed Races, Chicken Finger Friday, Club Fair

TITUS WHANG Hometown: Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, South Korea College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Computer Science Why did you choose Lehigh? One aspect I love about Lehigh is the low student-to-faculty ratio. As our campus is comparatively smaller than most colleges, the ratio is low, which allows students to be more personal with their professors and mentors. This factor was very noticeable as I rarely had any issues with scheduling office hours with TAs and professors. Another reason is the sizeable financial aid that Lehigh gives compared to other schools with similar tuition. What is your favorite class or subject? Anything that involves math and computer science! So far, my favorite professors have been Megan Cream from my Calculus 2 course and Stephen Lee-Urban from Programming and Data Structures. Both have mentioned during the beginning of their courses that many have been rumored to have failed their classes. To break that sentiment, they instead made sure that everyone would pass their classes and kept their promises while not lowering the difficulty. These professors have been very passionate toward those who struggled a lot and never seemed to have minded when a student visited them, even outside office hours. And even if the professors were not available, there were many other teaching assistants that were also eager to help their juniors pass the classes. Interests outside the classroom: Getting involved with any type of activities that my friends are doing! Things can range from simply eating out to giving out a helping hand at an event! A message from Titus: As a U.S. citizen whose family lives in South Korea, it is very difficult for us to afford colleges in the United States compared to those in Korea. It was a hard decision to apply to American colleges, as that meant that I would be living away from my family almost half a globe away; I have a sister who is also attending college right now. During these strenuous conditions, I am most grateful for any type of scholarship that I receive as I do wish to finish college and be a most impressive and successful son for my family. Thank you! Favorite Lehigh tradition Le-Laf Rivalry all the way!

ELLA VARANO Hometown: West Hartford, CT College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Design Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose Lehigh because the campus is breathtaking and so are the teachers and the courses. I noticed the fellowships they have are all in the sector of humanitarian work and research. I’ve been honored to be a part of the Global Social Impact Fellowship and traveled to the Philippines. I know that whatever I have an interest in, there is a group of people willing to welcome me to join. Last, I could not be more pleased with the English Department and Global Studies Program. These teachers take time out of their day to ensure my needs are being met. Thank you! What is your favorite class or subject? Professor Mary Nicholas had me wholeheartedly engaged in the pre- and postSoviet literature, music, and pop culture in Imagining Russia Today. Who would have known a class on Russian history and culture could be so engaging? I thank my professor for teaching it in such an engaging way where I also had the freedom to do individual research on topics I was interested in. Also, the discussion-based class dynamic made it enticing as I could share and listen to my classmates’ ideas! I’m also grateful for Satire and Dirty Words in Film and Fiction taught by Professor Lyndon Dominique. Wow! My mind was blown away by the complexity of language and innuendos in classic American and British texts. Interests outside the classroom: This past year I became an active member of the community growers club, where we weeded the flower beds at the MLK Community Garden. Although I didn’t get to see the growth of the planted vegetables and flowers, the students who participated in Mountaintop research sure did! A message from Ella: Financial aid has been a tremendous help. My parents are self-employed and own a restaurant where the pandemic greatly affected the rate of people dining. We had to close for eight months. Coming to Lehigh, I have been able to participate in the things I love most. I went on a two-week trip to the Philippines where I conducted six focus groups with middle-aged women regarding food insecurity. My concept paper for this work got accepted to the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference in Santa Clara, California. These are the things that I am grateful for getting to do while at Lehigh. So thank you! Favorite Lehigh tradition Le-Laf. The Lehigh pride surely was overwhelming. Brown color everywhere across Goodman campus. Everyone was excited whether we won or lost!

Thomas Chakif ’25 “First, I want to extend a massive thank you. The fear of being burdened by debt is one of the largest deterrents for people hoping to pursue a college education today, and it is your kindness that allows students like me to gain the education we need to pursue our dreams. It is through such contributions that I am able to work toward an economics degree, and that my family will be able to see me walk across that stage in three years. ”

THOMAS CHAKIF Hometown: Allentown, PA College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: Computer Science Why did you choose Lehigh? I chose to attend Lehigh University for many reasons. First, the campus is just beautiful, and it caught my heart from the first day I visited. I also had many family members who attended Lehigh who spoke nothing but positive things about the school and its staff. Another major reason I chose to represent Brown and White was the plethora of undergraduate majors and pathways that are available. At the start of my first semester, I was unsure as to what to major in, so knowing there were so many options to choose from helped relieve my worries about not finding the right path to take. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite subjects to learn about are definitely English and statistics. I enjoy English because I love to write, and through writing, I am able to express myself and my ideas in ways other subjects don’t allow. One professor that has made a big impact on me is [Melissa] Kowalski, who was able to present an English course in a unique and innovative way by incorporating the world and business of sports into the curriculum. I also really enjoy statistics because I love learning about the patterns of society, and because the concept of being able to predict the behavior of an entire population based on a small group is really interesting to me. Interests outside the classroom: Outside the classroom, I am passionate about many things, and I spend much of my free time involved in sports, exercising, volunteering, reading, and writing. Both sports and exercising help keep my physical health fit and can be a huge stress reliever. Volunteering allows me to help and give back to my community, which is always a positive thing. Reading and writing allow me to stay creative, and both make sure that I’m always getting better in the way I present my ideas. A message from Thomas: First, I want to extend a massive thank you. The fear of being burdened by debt is one of the largest deterrents for people hoping to pursue a college education today, and it is your kindness that allows students like me to gain the education we need to pursue our dreams. It is through such contributions that I am able to work toward an economics degree, and that my family will be able to see me walk across that stage in three years. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry. I was aware of the feud before coming to Lehigh, and the hype did not disappoint!

CHRISTIAN AGUILAR POZUELOS Hometown: Scarsdale, NY College: College of Arts and Sciences Major: English and Political Science Why did you choose Lehigh? I came to Lehigh for the five-year Bachelor’s to Master’s Accelerated Master’s Program in teaching. I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher, and while researching colleges with teaching programs, I came across Lehigh. I realized it was the perfect school for me — a medium-sized school with great professors, a beautiful campus, and an intriguing rivalry with Lafayette. I thought it would be difficult to get into, but if I worked hard enough I hoped I could. I was the only one in my high school to get accepted to Lehigh, which spurs me to make the most of it. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite class subject is English because writing and reading are my passions. I fell in love with English in high school. One experience that highlights one of my best works is a video I made to supplement an essay I wrote about LGBTQ+ rights. I specifically talked about the homelessness crisis within the LGBTQ+ community and what we as a society could do to help. The experience was great because I was able to make an argument about a real-life problem and provide solid evidence. Interests outside the classroom: Something I am very passionate about outside the classroom is teaching. Before I attended Lehigh, I knew I was passionate about teaching after volunteering in summer camps. This past year I had the opportunity to be a Lehigh tutor at Broughal Middle School, where I helped students and assisted the teacher. The experience was great and deepened my passion for teaching. A message from Christian: Thank you! This scholarship is taking a huge burden off my and my family’s shoulders. Financial aid is the only reason I’m able to attend Lehigh, and I’m eternally grateful for all the help I receive. I live in a single-parent household, and this scholarship is not just “a burden off our shoulders;” it’s a month’s rent of support to have a roof over our heads. I’m grateful for this education, and I hope that the blessing you give comes back to you. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is Camp Hawk, where I made the majority of my friends.

MELISSA CARACCIOLO Hometown: Lancaster, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering Why did you choose Lehigh? I am proud to be a Lehigh engineer. I think the engineering college has an amazing faculty and great opportunities. Specifically, I love how accessible professors are and how surrounded I am by research opportunities. Also, Lehigh’s plethora of clubs intrigued me when choosing where I would go to college. Specifically, I am in Lehigh’s Engineers Without Borders club, and I am on the board. Last semester, I had the pleasure of working on a project centered in Ghana. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite class is Industrial Systems Engineering 240, which focuses on optimization in operations research. My professor is extremely knowledgeable and engaging during class lectures. She has spoken about her research in healthcare, which has inspired my interest in operations research. I think optimization in healthcare is something I will pursue after earning my degree. Also, all the content in the class revolves around real-world problems, which helps me absorb the information more readily. The class also uses software called AMPL, which I find enjoyable to use because I am minoring in computer science. Interests outside the classroom: I enjoy being outside. I enjoy running and hiking, especially in the beautiful Lehigh scenery. I also enjoy volunteering and working with kids, which is something I do for my work study. Additionally, I am passionate about animals. I love learning about animals and going to zoos and aquariums. I personally have many pets at home that I love to spend time with and take care of in my free time. A message from Melissa: I am extremely grateful for the scholarships and financial aid at Lehigh. They have helped me to afford and immerse myself in college without the worries of finances. It has also taken a great burden off my family. Many students work part-time jobs on top of being full-time students. My financial aid has given me the time to work to my fullest potential and dedicate time to other passions that would otherwise be put towards a part-time job. Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition is the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry. During the week of the LeLaf football game, I love the sense of camaraderie on campus. Also, people hang up funny signs all around campus.

Favorite Lehigh tradition My favorite Lehigh tradition, like many, would have to be the Lehigh-Lafayette Rivalry. Hometown: Coplay, PA College: P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science Major: Materials Science and Engineering Why did you choose Lehigh? I was so excited to go to Lehigh because ever since I was a little kid, Lehigh seemed like the perfect school for me. Not only did it have a very strong engineering program, but it also boasted a very extensive alumni network that always seems to foster a sense of community. On top of everything, Lehigh has a glowing reputation that speaks for itself. What is your favorite class or subject? My favorite class so far was Engineering Materials and Processes. This was the first major-specific class that I was able to take, and it helped confirm that material science was the place for me to be at Lehigh! I was so excited when I was able to apply the basic scientific and mathematical concepts taught to me over the years in a real-world application. Being able to “connect the dots” in such a way was so exciting and made me love school even more! Interests outside the classroom: My top passion outside the classroom is martial arts (and especially Lehigh’s tae kwon do team). A message from Metri: My biggest thank you goes out to Lehigh’s generous scholarship donors! Lehigh’s donors are one of the main reasons I even had the opportunity to pursue my education at Lehigh. The cost was the biggest make-or-break factor for me when I was applying to schools, and without the aid, I know I would never have had a chance of going to such a great school! Thank you! METRI ZUGHBI