S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 | 5 9 N O T E S time that we have done this on CranburyDay andwill make it an annual event. Earlier in the day, Gary Kull played drums inhis band at CranburyDay in the town center.We all met there and then went to the Schwarz house.We had a great turnout fromthe ThetaDelta Chi ’82s that included the following: JimClifford, Chris DiMattio, TomFreda, GaryKull, Mike Massimini, John Parrish, Randy Schmid, Steve Schwarz and Ed Sengle.” WynnWillard ’80, my fraternity brother, emailedme with a list of the fraternities when we graduated in ’82 that are no longer recognized by Lehigh. Wynn, after a distinguished career as CEO and chief marketing officer at Fortune 500 companies, retired and then graduated in 2014 fromStetsonUniversity College of Law. Wynn is amember of the Florida bar. Wynn’s book on current affairs is “Fifty-Six Things the LeftWill Take Away fromYou: ACatalog of Coming Confiscations,” and it’s available on Amazon. Wynn, don’t expect any invites on the college speaking tour soon! I, however, digress. In alphabetical order, here are the 21 departed: Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Phi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Alpha, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Theta, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma AlphaMu, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Tau Epsilon Pi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi and Zeta Psi. I am sure they all took a few liberties, and other unspoken excesses, but one wonders if the Hill left with somany fewer fraternities is culturally and traditionally for the future betterment of Lehigh or not? That question is not for me to answer. Congratulations go out—as in the television show “Survivor”—to those of us True Bluers who still have a fraternity house on campus. Drum roll please. The 11 winners are: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Phi, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Upsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Theta Chi. The Campus Crawl—were it still allowed—would be a veritable walk in the park today. Speaking of Sig Ep, I recall Pi Lamwas always in a contest with the Eps to see who could consume themost kegs per semester. The Banko Beverage scorecard kept a running tally for each house. Pi Lamalways mano-a-mano battled it out for No. 1 or 2 with Sig Ep. I think they edged us out. “216 kegs a semester, beat that.”Many a night I recall blaring fromSig Ep’s bar “Same As It AlwaysWas” by the Talking Heads. And, last but not least, a letter arrived froma Sweetheart of Sig Ep, and current Eastern Shore of Maryland denizen, Ingrid K. Coar, ’82 Cedar Crest College. Ingrid sent me a copy of a handwritten directory that her girlfriends had with all the telephone numbers of the 32 fraternities—no cellphones in 1982. Phony phone calls were often placed. Ingrid still has a copy of her orange “Sayre Park” pass sticker she swiped so she and her girlfriends could drive up the Hill as “[w]e didn’t like climbing that Hill wearing Candies and ’80s jeans.” Ingrid, sad to say, no longer has her green Volkswagen Karmann Ghia convertible. We are out 40 years this June 2022. Stay in touch. ’83Nancy Liu Freedman, nancyliulehigh83@ gmail.com Happy spring, Class of ’83! I am so happy that Lehigh has started having in-person events in a safe manner. It gives me news and an opportunity to mention some classmates that I see in the column. Lehigh events I spotted Lehigh trustee Ann Lewnes walking in the inauguration procession for the new president, JosephHelble ’82. At the Leadership Awards dinner, Sandra Denton, vice president of channels and partnerships for Pipefy, was on the panel for Soaring Together, a celebration of 50 years of Lehighwomen, alongwithCathy Englebert ’86 ’23P, commissioner of theWNBA, and JackieKrasas ’87, Lehigh deputy provost for faculty affairs. Sandra shared her experiences as awomanworking in the technology industry. At theMeet the President events in Philadelphia and at Lehigh, attendees included Kira (Cauwels) Mendez and Steve Mendez, Brad Parkes and wife Terry, and Liz (Batesole) Hainey. Lizwas aGryphonwho worked closelywith Joseph Helble andwas thrilled and impressedwhen he remembered her by name after not seeing each other in over 40 years. Liz flew in fromTexas to attend the event and the Lehigh-Lafayette game. Football tailgates Mike Dicker stopped by one of our tailgates withDelta Chi brother JeffDavidson ’85 and his real brother George. Mike mentioned that he and Greg Ohl biked across the state of Iowa during the summer. Greg, Imiss you and hope to see you soon. At Lehigh-Lafayette, I stopped by the Alpha Sigma Phi tailgate and visited with Eric Marks and his wife, Barb (Riddell) Marks ’84, and Joe Yammarino ’85. George Gabuzda wroteme that he was attending the game with his wife and his fourth son, Colin, who is a junior at Lehigh. We were anxiously looking forward to seeing him at the tailgate, but wemissed each other. Next year, George, we hope to see you. I also visited the Alpha Phi tailgate andmet up withMary Beth (Cooleen) Tully ’84 and Lucia (Mascolo) Diana and her husband, Enrico. Lucia’s daughter, Christine, graduated fromLehigh in 2016. Lucia, as promised, see our picture from the tailgate in the photos section. At the end of the game, I ran into Sue (Bevan) Baggott and her father Bob Bevan ’60. Other news Steve Fleisher ’84 shared some sad news of the passing of Sig Ep brother Chuck Breder in July. Chuck lived in Collegeville, Pa., and worked for Toll Brothers for many years. Condolences to his family. Another classmate, Chuck Shettsline, passed away inApril. Chuckwas aDelta Sigma Phi brother and lived inColorado. TomWocklish, ’81 class correspondent, shared some news regarding folks who participated in the recent Jim MahlbacherMemorial Scholarship Fund Tailgate. Paul Reiff, Michael Reheuser and Pete Smith attended to honor Jim Mahlbacher ’80, who was killed in an auto accident in December 1983. Jim served as president of Delta Upsilon and was amember of the National Championship football team. The tailgate raised funds for the scholarship fund that provides scholarships for an individual who is a football player, fromDelta Upsilon and fromDelaware. My husband and I attended a Friday night Shabbat service at theChabadHouse inmemory of Lisa Anderman. Her parents, Carole andArthur Anderman ’56, her husbandOdedDaskal, son Daniel and daughterNoa ’22, all were there for the service. Thanks toRabbi ZalmanGreenberg and his wifeDit for hosting awonderful andwelcoming service. Enjoy your winter and spring and please sendme your news. I will be attendingmore Lehigh events, including Reunion weekend on June 9-12, 2022. Hope to see you at an event! ’84Thomas Keating, 250 Carillon Parkway