S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 | 5 7 N O T E S pandemic hit, they pivoted and supported the local food bank. Here is the really remarkable part ... this holiday season, they raised $40,000 for the food bank, which will provide 80,000 meals for people struggling with food insecurity. Janet lives in Walnut Creek, Calif., and plans to be back for our reunion! This is it ... last chance to plan to attend our 45th Reunion on June 9-12, 2022. By the time you read this, plans will be well underway. You should have already received the reunion information from Lehigh. There is no better time to reminisce and reconnect than right now, so send some notes to your friends and make plans to attend! ’78Gail D. Reinhart, 215 N. Center St., #1407, San Antonio, TX 78202-2723. ladygai lus@yahoo.com As I write this, I’m rushing to meet my deadline after a week in Arizona celebrating Thanksgiving with family—yes, this column has a long lead time. Not surprisingly, sincemany of us turned 65 last year, a lot of the news I have on hand concerns retirement. Lew Chasalow retired from his faculty position (his second career) at the end of 2019, just in time to be homebound by the pandemic. He’s hoping this year he and his wife will be able to travel and visit their children and grandchildren. This includes their son in California and their third grandchild in NewHampshire, whom they weren’t able to see except by Zoom during 2021. Alice (Levin) Lenthe retired a year ago and, when she wrote me, was looking forward to seeing two grandchildren (both living nearby) in early 2022. She’s gotten involved in local government and has done some driving-distance travel, with high hopes of going a little farther afield this year. Having been to all 50 states, her next travel goals are to visit all theMajor League ballparks and to drive cross-country onRoute 30. Alice and her husband, Ted Lenthe ’75, have two daughters and a son, Will Lenthe ’12, who’s married to Liz (Zeffiro) Lenthe ’12. Wendell Gulick retired from his part-time job at the end of 2020, previously having retired after 31 years in product development withMoore and Siemens. Hemoved back to his hometown and has bought an electric car. Wendell is still swimming and also keeps busywith gardening, kayaking and biking. One classmate who hasn’t retired yet is Stephen Dill. Last August he and his wife, Abigail Marsters, sold their house in New England, said goodbye to winters and moved to Pasadena, Calif. He continues to provide marketing consulting to higher education, currently on contract with Naropa University in Boulder, Colo. Abigail is working as operations manager for Resources for Infant Educarers and loving it. Further sweetening the deal, their son got married in December in Los Angeles, and the couple bought a house just eight minutes away. Finally, I got a letter from Bob Boylan, who might be considered an honorary member of our class, since he did three years with us before running out of money. Eventually he finished college at East Montana State with a B.S. in finance. He now lives inNew Jersey, where he works in the insurance industry, is active in his church, and is getting ready for retirement. He and his wife Delores have two children, Sally and Ted. That’s all the news I have on hand, so please, bring me up to date! You can reach me by snail mail, email or our class Facebook group (facebook.com/ groups/Lehigh1978). ’79 Lance M. Bell, 952 River Run Dr., Macedonia, OH 44056-2369. (216) 219-3729 (mobile); lanceb344@gmail.com JimEsch and I connected in August when he flew up from Florida. We enjoyed dinner together at MavisWinkle’s Irish Pub andmostly talked about our friends and families. I was saddened to learn that Jim’s wife had passed away unexpectedly. Jimhas northeast Ohio roots and was able to enjoy boating out on Lake Erie with friends. Jimemphasized the importance of staying in contact with the people you care about. Our class was well-represented at a tailgate party to raise funds for the JimMahlbacher ’80Memorial Scholarship Fund. Jimwas killed in an auto accident in December 1983. He had served as president of the Delta Upsilon chapter at Lehigh and was amember of the National Championship football team. Rick Adams, Phil McGinnis and Gail Price all participated in the event. I received a note from Chinhyun Kim, whomyoumay know as Chin, but now goes by Thomas. Chin wanted to connect with Pete Davis, whomhe read about inmy last column. He also shared this update: “After finishing amaster’s in EE, I went back to Korea for military service. I served as a research scientist at a government research institute, the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), for five years developing various communications systems. After the completion of mymilitary obligation, I came back to the U.S. and received a Ph.D. in computer engineering from the University of Southern California. I was an associate professor at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute, Indiana) in the Electrical and Computer (ECE) department. I thenmoved to Intel inHillsboro, Oregon. At Intel, I worked as a CPU performance architect working on several generations of Intel microprocessors. I then moved to Samsung Electronics inKorea as a vice president, responsible formanaging a team of about a hundred engineers developing architecture and various hardware/software Ips for a SystemonChip (SOC) that goes inside Samsung smartphones. I live inPortland, Ore. I retired in 2015 and have been enjoying life, traveling and playing golf. I have beenmarried to awonderful woman for 35 years and have a daughter. I recently became a grandfather for the first time.” Eric Miller has become another of the authors in our class. He has written “100Things toDo inAmarilloBefore YouDie” and has been promoting his book throughout the Amarillo, Texas, area. His book is available onAmazon if you or someone you know may be traveling to that city. As always, we love to hear about the events in your life, so I look forward to hearing from you. Come back to visit Lehigh whenever possible. I was back for the annual Tower Society meeting followed by the Lehigh-Princeton football game. It felt good to be able to return and visit with fellow alumni again. ’80Gary Chan, (847) 902-8881 (C); gkchan80@ alum.lehigh.edu Ken Alley moved to Colorado after graduation. He started his own business in 1996 and sold a controlling interest to a private equity growth fund out of Boston last December. Ken still works in the business daily, and retirement is not in his near-term plans. He is having toomuch fun! Ken and his wife, Aimee, split time betweenLone Tree andBeaver Creek, Colo., which doubled his available time to ski! Their three children and one grandchild all livewithin a short drive.