78 to 120 installments at a fixed interest rate of 3%, but further investigation shows that this low fixed rate is valid only for the first 12 months before it becomes variable, equivalent to the BADLAR rate used by private banks (Federal Administration of Public Revenue, 2021). The BADLAR rate is an average rate published by the Central Bank of Argentina and was at 34.1875% on February 25, 2021, with averages ranging in the past three years from 15% to 60% (Banco Central de la República Argentina, 2021). While this SME portal was built as a comprehensive space for small businesses to connect to funding and tax-saving opportunities, there are many enhancements in terms of usability and offerings that can be provided. Once redesigned, this portal also should be promoted further through community organizations or university partnerships that would advertise its benefits and ease of use. This program should promote local, community-based organizations to connect with businesses to better understand their needs and curate resources for them. There are a multitude of options available to make SME support resources more accessible to the community, but it all starts with a tone from the top administration that not only is clear and easily understood but also, most importantly, consistent throughout presidential cycles. Conclusion Argentina has tremendous potential to become a world powerhouse and leader of the South American continent if it can support the SMEs that account for 99.8% of all enterprises in its country. The strong performance of SMEs will give Argentina the crucial backbone to maintain growth and stability while also expanding their reaches into global markets. However, the key challenges of the country’s lack of accessible financial institutions, complicated tax structures, and political uncertainty are holding Argentina back from reaching its potential. By addressing these challenges through the creation of communitybased programs, enacting tax reform, and committing to bipartisan long-term support, Argentina can foster a sustainable climate for its SMEs.