Prospects for Revitalizing Argentina

60 Conclusion This article outlines the current food production economics of Argentina, which give rise to chronic and growing domestic food insecurity. The discussion of failed policies implemented in the past as attempts to superficially alter the outcomes of core poverty, supply chain, and global supply and demand economics reveals both the needs and the opportunities for action. The potential solutions outlined are intended to address these underlying dynamics to achieve a sustainable change in the economic balance and to give the Argentine population a foundation to successfully achieve the UN Zero Hunger Sustainable Development Goal. Should Argentina let hunger continue to spiral out of control by the failure of policy makers to take action, the long-term growth of the country could be imperiled. Human capital is one of the most central elements for the development of a country. As such, Argentina should prioritize the current state of food security in order to allay further stagnation of their economic well-being. As a country that has not only the ability to feed itself but also the potential to become a major agricultural exporter, Argentina should seek to improve the human capital of its citizenry, first and foremost to improve their individual lives, but beyond this basic purpose, to act as a propeller for broad economic growth.