Prospects for Revitalizing Argentina

iii PERSPECTIVES Perspectives on Business and Economics is the journal of the Martindale Student Associates Honors Program founded and run by the Martindale Center for the Study of Private Enterprise at Lehigh University. Each year, a faculty panel selects 12 of Lehigh’s finest undergraduate students to become Martindale Student Associates. Each student undertakes research focusing on an aspect of the economy and business environment of a foreign nation or state and prepares an article for publication in this journal. The country or state of focus changes each year. This cohort’s study of Argentina began in the spring of 2020. After several on-campus orientation seminars, in-person meetings came to a sudden stop due to the spread of COVID-19. It soon became apparent that typical academic life would not resume. Confirmed campus speakers were quickly converted to Zoom meetings and trips to Washington, D.C., and New York City canceled. Hoping for a healthier future, the May Argentina trip was rescheduled for August, then, as the pandemic raged, rescheduled again for spring 2021. In the end, the cohort did not have the opportunity to visit Argentina. However, with the assistance of remote technology, the students met with organizations and industry experts and discussed the imperative topics in Argentina, including socioeconomic evolution; economy and debt crises; education; the entrepreneurial environment; environmental policies; health care system; human rights; judiciary and penal systems; media influence; relationship with China; and the women’s movement. Through it all, the cohort remained positive and determined to complete their articles. This journal is the product of the students’ resilience and hard work. Special Thanks The Martindale Center acknowledges the critical role played by alumni, parents, friends, and the many experts in Argentina and the US who gave generously of their time and expertise as advisors and speakers to help make the 2020–21 program and Volume 39 of this journal a success. Our sincere thanks begin with Anita De Maio, MA, doctoral student in social sciences at the Universidad de Buenos Aires. It was through her that most connections of topic experts in Argentina were made. She also set up in-person visits and spent time introducing our staff to speakers during the preprogram visit. Her contributions to this journal are invaluable. Special thanks to Lehigh University professors Luis Brunstein, economics, and Mariana De Maio, journalism, for facilitating discussions with the students and introducing us to Anita. Carlos Daniel Lopez, Relationship Manager, Corporate Banking at Grupo Supervielle, and alumnus of the Iacocca Global Village for Future Leaders program, deserves thanks for all his work in Argentina to connect us with transportation companies and with banking and environmental agencies. He also spent time meeting with our staff in-country during the preprogram visit. Special thanks to Santiago Villalba, consul general of the Consulate General of Argentina in New York, for writing the introduction to this journal and for his support of this project. Alejandro G. Nervegna, deputy consul general, head of economic and commercial affairs, facilitated an informative session on the current economic situation in Argentina, and his colleague, Estafania Donna, deputy consul, met with us in 2019 to brainstorm session topics. Students and faculty were thrilled and thankful that Noah B. Mamet, former US Ambassador to Argentina, shared his time to reflect on his experiences and policies while living and working in Argentina. Thanks to Peter Harter, founder of the Farrington Group and former Martindale Honors alumnus, for introducing us. Ira W. Lieberman, president of LIPAM International and member of the Martindale Advisory Committee, deserves special thanks for connecting us to the World Bank. Thanks to Monzerrat Garcia, program assistant, for pulling together the World Bank panelists with expertise in Argentina. From the finance, competitiveness, and innovation division, we thank Alfonso Garcia Mora, global director; Zafer Mustafaoglu, practice manager; Xafier Xirera, senior economist; Bujana Perolli, senior financial sector specialist; Tugba Gurcanlar, senior private specialist; and Oliver Masetti, economist. The panel also included Mariangeles Sabella, senior country officer for Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and Daniel Ortiz del Soto of the finance and private sector of the World Bank. Thanks as well to all panelists. Griffith Welton, partner, PwC, New York, deserves thanks for connecting us with PwC, Argentina.