8 Table 2. State Reclassification Criteria for Alternate Policies (Grades 1–12) Standardized Alternate ELP Assessment Standardized Academic or Reading Assessments Class or Course Performance Student Portfolio Teacher or Team Input Parent Consultation Other Local Evidence Individual Exemption/ Pathway No Criteria Listed Composite Score/Level Domain Scores Literacy Composite Score Composite Score Comparison (2 or 3 test administrations) MT ✔ NE ✔ NV ✔ NH ✔ ✱ ✔ NJ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ NM ✔ NY ✔ NC ✔ ND ✔ OH ✔ OK ✔ ✱ OR ✔ PA ✔ ✱ ✔ RI ✔ SC ✔ SD ✔ TN ✔ ✔ TX ✔ UT ✔ VT ✔ VA ✔ WA ✔ WV ✔ WI ✔ ^ WY ✔ * When ELs achieve a composite proficiency score that is near to—but does not meet—the required threshold for exiting, additional criteria are considered. + Requires composite scores for productive domains (writing, speaking) and receptive domains (listening, reading). ^ When ELs with significant cognitive disabilities achieve a composite proficiency cut score, they then take the general ELP assessment.