Promoting equitable reclassification

Promoting Equitable Reclassification of English Learners with Disabilities 11 teachers may use “gut instinct” to determine whether disability is the root cause of students’ most recent standardized ELP scores (Kangas & Schissel, 2021). As these studies suggest, reliance on anecdotal evidence to determine whether ELs with and without disabilities should be exited can hinder efforts to promote equitable reclassification in LEAs. Challenge #5: Perceptions of student ability Multiple studies report that dually identified students are often perceived in deficit terms because of their language, disability, and race (Cioè-Peña, 2021; Martínez-Álvarez, 2023). At times, educators may believe that the ELs with disabilities have a limited cognitive capacity for language learning (Paradis et al., 2021). As research suggests, deficit views of ELs with and without disabilities can inform the use and interpretation of student data during reclassification, prompting teachers to exit or keep students in language services (Estrada & Wang, 2021).