Perspectives Vol42

70 PERSPECTIVES ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS | VOL 42 | 2024 Mobilising for Rights Associates. (2022). How discriminatory national legislation contributes to women’s poverty in Morocco. OECD. (2023). Gender inequality: Violence against women. Palermo, T., Bleck, J., & Peterman, A. (2014). Tip of the iceberg: Reporting and gender-based violence in developing countries. American Journal of Epidemiology, 179, 602–612. doi:10.1093/aje/kwt295 Rollston, R., Wilkinson, E., Abouelzam, R., Mladenov, P., Horanieh, N., & Jabbarpour, Y. (2020). Comprehensive sexuality education to address gender-based violence. The Lancet, 396, 148–150. doi:10.1016/S01406736(20)31477-X Sabah, S., Boujemaa, A., Salah-Eddine, K., Abboudi Taoufik, E. L., & Dominique, B. (2010). Sexuality education: Analysis of Moroccan teachers’ and future teachers’ conceptions. US-China Education Review, 7, 28–36. Statista. (2023, April 26). Female employment rate in Morocco from 2012 to 2020. UN Women. (2003, June 30–July 25). Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (29th session). UN Women. (1992). Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: General Recommendation No. 19 (11th session). UN Women. (2021, November). Police units for women victims of violence in Morocco prioritize survivors’ needs. UN Women. (2023, December 7). Take action: 10 ways you can help end violence against women. UNESCO. (2023, November 16). Comprehensive sexuality education: For healthy, informed and empowered learners. United Nations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2017). General recommendation No. 35 (2017) on gender-based violence against women, updating general recommendation No. 19 (1992). United Nations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. (2022, June 22). Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women praise Morocco for legislation prohibiting discrimination, ask about high maternal mortality and female illiteracy rates in rural areas. United Nations Population Fund. (2006, May 26). Y-PEER: Empowering young people to empower each other. United Nations Population Fund. (2014). UNFPA operational guidance for comprehensive sexuality education: A focus on human rights and gender. United Nations, Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. (2015). The world’s women 2015: Trends and statistics. doi:10.18356/9789210573719 US Department of State. (2022). 2022 Country reports on human rights practices: Morocco. Women Against Abuse. (n.d.). The language we use. World Bank. (n.d.). Poverty in Morocco: Challenges and opportunities. World Bank. (2024). Violence against women & girls – Resource guide. World Health Organization. (2013). Global and regional estimates of violence against women: Prevalence and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-sexual partner violence. World Health Organization. (2024, March 25). Violence against women. SARAH A. MIXSELL earned her B.A. in sociology and anthropology and in women, gender, and sexuality studies with high honors in 2024. At Lehigh University, Sarah was an engaged leader within her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, serving as chapter president in 2023. Sarah also demonstrated a passionate commitment to activism. She dedicated herself to raising awareness about the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in the United States and Canada through two internships at Lehigh, at the Center for Gender Equity and at the Pride Center. In fall 2025, Sarah will begin studies for a master of education.