Navigating Cultural Cuisines on Campus Booklet

"CULTURAL MODIFICATION OF AN INDIVIDUAL, GROUP, OR PEOPLE BY ADAPTING TO OR BORROWING TRAITS FROM ANOTHER CULTURE" How did you answer? View the categories and explanations below: PAGE 07 NEW Friends & Environment NEW Culture & Language NEW Independence & Stressors NEW Foods & Eating Habits Acculturation is "the process of sharing and learning the cultural traits or social patterns of another group." You are embarking on a new adventure here at Lehigh University: This is your time to grow as a person. This is your time to expand your mind. This is your time to do things that many people may not get to do in their lifetime. Enjoy it and be open to new experiences! There is a theory that has been used to help understand or categorize culture adaption strategies used by individuals, and it's called Berry's Acculturation Model. Answer the questions in the chart below, to better understand how you're adjusting to your new surroundings. NAVIGATING CULTURAL CUISINE What is acculturation? Berry's Acculturation model discussion: Is it considered to be of value to maintain one's cultural heritage? Is it considered to be of value to develop relationships with the larger society (i.e. other groups)? Integration (least stressful) Risk-taking with new foods of host society, but appreciating your own cultrual traditions. Assimilation Individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are completely absorbed into the dominant culture of a society. Separation Individuals reject the dominant or host culture in favor of preserving their culture of origin. Marginalization Emphasis on being in transition rather than being a part of a culture (a rejection of both culture of orign and host culture). Please reach out to our Dietitian if you find yourself struggling in the Separation or Marginalization categories.