Martindale Student Associates Honors Program- Argentina Cohort

Argentina 2020 South Africa 2019 Malaysia 2018 United Kingdom 2017 Peru 2016 Czech Republic 2015 Portugal 2014 Slovenia 2013 Colombia 2012 Greece 2011 Iceland 2010 Turkey 2009 New Zealand 2008 Benelux 2007 Panama 2006 Hungary 2005 Spain 2004 Sweden 2003 Italy 2002 Hong Kong 2001 Ireland 2000 Switzerland/Austria 1999 Chile 1998 Germany 1997 France 1996 Germany 1995 Argentina 1994 Canada 1993 Mexico 1992 Czechoslovakia 1991 Washington, D.C. 1990 MI, IL, NJ 1989 WI, MI, KY 1988 London, NYC 1987 The Martindale Center Martindale Student Associates Research Trips Canada 1986 M ARTINDALE S TUDENT A SSOCIATES H ONORS P ROGRAM THE STUDENT ASSOCIATES EXPERIENCE I owe a great deal of my personal and professional success to my participation in the Martindale program. As a stu- dent, I was exposed to new ideas and concepts that extend- ed beyond the normal academic curriculum and broadened my thinking. I also developed deeper relationships with my professors, other students, and alumni that have continued to fourish. Looking back, my involvement as a Student As- sociate was the highlight of my Lehigh experience. SARAT SETHI ’92, CFA, CIC Managing Director/Partner, Douglas C. Lane & Associates; President, Martindale Society, 2002–Present The Martindale Center is the premier program that di- rectly engages Lehigh University students in the issues of global economics, teaching them leadership skills and valu- able experiential lessons. The Martindale Center’s Student Associates Honors Program has developed into a tool for changing the way students think and encouraging them to explore outside the box of the standard curriculum. In this way, it represents all that makes Lehigh University a great institution for those wishing to challenge themselves. The Martindale legacy is strong, and its future is even stronger. KEVIN L. CLAYTON ’84 ’13P Partner, Energy Capital Partners; Interim President, Lehigh University, 2014–2015 The Martindale Student Associates Program provided me with a one-of-a-kind experience while at Lehigh. This pro- gram gives students a unique learning and development opportunity. Whether it’s meeting with business leaders, members of government or other experts, students of the program are exposed to things they otherwise would not encounter….Similarly, the writing, editing and researching talents you will develop after proposing a publication for the Martindale journal will last a lifetime. CJ BERZIN ’10 Senior Finance Manager, Business Development at the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & John- son; Martindale Turkey cohort Peru 2016 United Kingdom 2017 Malaysia 2018 South Africa 2019 Martindale Center for the Study of Private Enterprise Lehigh University College of Business Rauch Business Center, 621 Taylor Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015-3117 Tel: (610) 758-4771 | Fax: (610) 758-6549 Executive Director: Todd A. Watkins, Ph.D. | (610) 758-4954 / www. l e h i g h . e d u / m a r t i n d a l e