Martindale Student Associates Honors Program- Argentina Cohort
L EHIGH C OLLEGE OF B US INESS The Martindale Center Buenos Aires, Argentina Martindale Student Associates Honors Program 2020-21 PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Martindale Student Associates Honors Program provides an opportu- nity for a select group of Lehigh Uni- versity students to explore global busi- ness, economic, and public policy issues outside the scope of classroom study. The Martindale Center takes each year’s class of students on a 12-day re- search trip for in-depth study and fact gathering. Most recent cohorts have focused their research on Greece, Co- lombia, Slovenia, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Peru, UK, Malaysia, South Af- rica, and Argentina. During the following academic year, students complete their research, work one-on-one with a faculty mentor, and write up their fndings in professional- quality journal articles. These articles are published annually in the Martin- dale Center’s undergraduate research journal, Perspectives on Business and Economics. In addition to their research activities, Martindale Student Associ- ates are full members of the Martindale Society, taking part in conferences and exchanging ideas with leaders from government, business, fnance, and aca- demia who come to the Center as visit- ing scholars. APPLYING FOR THE PROGRAM A highly competitive selection process be- gins in January of each year when quali- fying students from Lehigh’s three under- graduate colleges receive notifcation of their eligibility. The fnal selection is made by a faculty panel based on academic re- cord, a written application, and an inter- view. Martindale Student Associates pay no fees for participation in the program. Joining the Martindale Society was one of the most rewarding parts of my Lehigh experience. First, you join the Martindale family - a group of highly ac- complished individuals from many felds. I have had the chance to call them for professional advice, to discuss ideas, and many of them I count as close friends to- day. Second, I’ve had a 20-year career as an economist on Wall Street in which I’ve had to critically analyze countries and subjects and give recommendations for the future. And, that is effectively what you do in the Martindale paper… that skill set turned out to be highly valu- able in my professional career. – Luis Arcentales ’99, Financial Advisor/ Economist, Morgan Stanley; Martindale Student Associates Honors Program 1998–99 (Chile); Martindale Center Advisory Committee www. l eh i gh . edu /mar t i nda l e MARTINDALE CENTER PROGRAMS Founded in 1980, the Martindale Center supports the University’s goal of training leaders for a global society by developing experience-based student programs pro- moting understanding of the interconnected worldwide economy. MARTINDALE SOCIETY Established in 1995, the Martindale Society is a strong community of loyal Martindale alumni, faculty, staff, and friends. Members gather annually at Martindale events and support the Center’s programs and activities through generous contributions of time, money, and expertise and by connecting the Center with their professional networks in the USA and abroad. SOUTH AFRICA: REMEDIES FOR THE PAST AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FUTURE Volume 38 2020 Perspectives on Business and Economics THE GAY AND DOUGLAS LANE JOURNAL OF THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY MARTINDALE CENTER STUDENT ASSOCIATES INTRODUCTION Gavin du Preez RESTRUCTURING ESKOM: TRANSFORMING SOUTH AFRICA’S ELECTRICITY SECTOR Tino Petros INCREMENTALISM IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN LEGAL SYSTEM: SOCIOECONOMIC RIGHTS AND THE JUDICIARY Aaron K. Adams THE EFFICACY OF SOUTH AFRICA’S BROAD-BASED BLACK ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT POLICY Rachel Buonasora FOOD SECURITY IN SOUTH AFRICA IN AN ERA OF CLIMATE CHANGE Jordan Wolman EXPROPRIATION WITHOUT COMPENSATION IN SOUTH AFRICA Jake I. Cooper SOUTH AFRICA’S LABOR FORCE AMID TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE Ha Dao VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN SOUTH AFRICA Xiaming Jin THE RACIAL UNDERPINNINGS OF HOUSING DISPARITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA Kevelis Matthews-Alvarado COMBATING CORRUPTION IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH SECTOR Christianna Angeli S. Pepingco HIV AND AIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA: EMPOWERING INDIVIDUALS TO MAKE WIDESPREAD CHANGE Ariel Pawlo SOUTH AFRICA’S EDUCATION DILEMMAS Hanna Skinner RESTRUCTURING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA: OPPORTUNITIES FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Karim M. Rajmohamed
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