Martindale Student Associates Honors Program- Argentina Cohort
EMMA B. BANKER is pursuing majors in electrical engineering and cognitive sci- ence and a minor in aerospace engineering through the Integrated Degree in Engi- neering, Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) hon- ors program. Outside of academics, Emma is heavily involved with the Lehigh For- mula SAE team, on which she is the elec- tronics team design lead and head of the new electric vehicle team. She currently is president of the Eta Kappa Nu honor soci- ety and is a tutor for electrical engineer- ing. For the past two summers, Emma has explored her interest in electrical engi- neering and aerospace through internships at Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky Aircraft and the US Department of Defense. After graduation, Emma plans to pursue a mas- ter’s degree in electrical engineering and a career in the aerospace industry. SARA A. BOYD is an Eckardt Scholar pur- suing double majors in political science and English and has won Williams and Am- aranth prizes for her creative and critical writing. Her main commitment is leading the Student Political Action Coalition. She has been a photographer and news writer for The Brown and Whi te , a two-time gry- phon for the Arts Alive themed community, VP and treasurer (and award-winning wit- ness) of Lehigh’s Mock Trial Team, and SERVE site leader through the Community Service office two years in a row. Sara was Lehigh’s 2019–2020 Newman Civic Fel- low, won T-Mobile and Ashoka’s 2018 na- tional social entrepreneurship competition and has appeared on NBC Nightly News to discuss universal health care. After gradu- ation, Sara plans to get her teaching cer- tificate and master’s degree from Lehigh. JACK HELLER is pursuing a degree in industrial and systems engineering with minors in economics and data science. His research focuses on machine learning and M A R T I NDA L E S T UD E N T A S S OC I AT E S H ONO R S P R OG R AM Argentina 2020 aerospace. While at Lehigh, Jack has been a Rossin Junior Fellow where he shares his Lehigh experience with new and prospec- tive students. He has also had the oppor- tunity to study abroad in Lund, Sweden, where he studied circular supply chains and quality management. During the summer of 2019, he interned at Pratt & Whitney, a jet engine manufacturer, in operations excellence. In his free time, Jack enjoys piloting airplanes and exploring the local area through flight. NOAH F. JALANGO is pursuing a degree in journalism with minors in entrepre- neurship and the music industry. Noah is a member of the drumline in Lehigh’s Marching 97. He also is a self-taught mu- sic producer with experience in the music industry, and he has worked with musi- cians and artists from around the world. In his position as a managing editor of The Brown and Whi te newspaper, Noah uses his knowledge of the principles of journalism, reporting, and AP-style editing to contrib- ute to the paper’s growth. Noah also was a member of the 2019 LehighSiliconValley cohort. This summer, Noah was a part of a small group of writers who created The Black Supporter, a website that amplifies the voices of Black writers and the stories of Black soccer players across the globe. MARIA M. LANCIA is pursuing a degree in biopharmaceutical engineering. She was born in Pittsburgh, PA, but considers herself from Dubai, UAE. At Lehigh, Ma- ria has helped develop a lateral flow de- vice to diagnose sickle cell disease. She recently traveled to Sierra Leone to lay the groundwork for implementing the de- vice and plans to return in 2021 to lead a small clinical trial. Maria also worked for the social enterprise, Naireeta Services - Bhungroo, in Ahmedabad, India. There, she analyzed the environmental and socioeco- nomic impact of Bhungroo, a water-sav- ing technology that enables farming year around. Maria plays the alto saxophone in the Marching 97. She also is working to become an emergency medical technician. Maria hopes to pursue a career in global health. JENNY LIN is pursuing double majors in accounting and business information sys- tems with intended minors in political sci- ence and Chinese. Jenny has been on the Dean’s List every semester at Lehigh and has received two prestigious Lehigh Uni- versity awards, the Nelson Leighton Bond Memorial Prize and a Harold S. Geneen Scholarship. Jenny is from Nesquehoning, PA. In the summer of 2018, she interned at the world’s second tallest skyscraper while studying abroad in Shanghai. She also has been a researcher for Lehigh’s Federal Re- serve Challenge team for two years. In the summer of 2020, she worked as a financial services audit intern at KPMG in New York City. LINA ARBAIN OUMERA is pursuing a double major in psychology and in health, medicine, and society with a minor in French. She was raised in Tangier, Mo- rocco, and moved to the US to continue her education. At Lehigh University, Lina was an International orientation leader, an eco-rep, and a member of the International Honor Society in Psychology. Lina spent her junior year assisting in research for the Kids Project that examined how parents’ socialization with their kids affects their attitudes toward race. She has interned in a graduate office at Shanghai University. During winter breaks of 2017 and 2019, she volunteered at Hospital Mohammed V’s maternity ward and at “Amal”, a char- ity institute for kidney dialysis in Tangier, Morocco. She plans to pursue a career in public health. FOREST GRIFFIN REICHERT is pursu- ing a double major in computer science and economics through the Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program. For his senior capstone project, he and his team are working on an app to help expecting parents document and share important pregnancy milestones in a secure and easy way. At Lehigh, Griffin also is involved as a TRAC Fellow, where he works as a peer writing tutor to help students build their communication skills. Griffin is from Jack- son, WY, where he grew up skiing, moun- tain biking, and backpacking. Following graduation, Griffin will pursue a career in software engineering and machine learn- ing. JOSEPH E. SABA is pursuing a major in biochemistry with a minor in sociology. He has received the William H. Chandler sophomore prize presented to the high- est-ranking sophomore in the chemistry department. He is very involved in re- search ranging from wet lab work in Dr. Wittenberg’s lab to clinical research as an intern in a physical therapy project at St. Luke’s Hospital. Born and raised in Al- lentown, Pennsylvania, he is a volunteer at St. Luke’s since 2015, volunteers with LUEMS at local clinics, and volunteers as Martindale Student Associates Honors Program: L to R (Top) – Jack Heller, Melissa Gallagher (Coordinator), Todd Watkins (Executive Director), Trisha Alexy (Program Manager), Jenny Lin. (Middle) – Lina Oumera, Noah Jalango, Sara Boyd, Maria Lancia, Emma Banker. (Bottom) – Joey Saba, Kira Stevenson, Grifn Reichert, Anmol Shrestha and Abbihnav Sekar. an EMT. You will also often see him at St. Luke’s shadowing a physician or spending time with patients as a patient advocate. Joey also works with the non-profit foun- dation, Ensuring Tomorrow. After gradua- tion, he plans to attend medical school and become a pediatric physician. ABBHINAV SEKAR is pursuing a degree in financial engineering within the Inte- grated Business and Engineering Honors Program. He is from Bethlehem, PA, and spent the summer of 2020 interning for West Monroe Partners (a tech consulting firm) in their mergers & acquisitions team. In previous summers, he interned at tech start-ups in San Francisco and Tel Aviv, Is- rael. On campus, he was involved with the Lehigh Consulting Group as previous presi- dent and current portfolio member of the Thompson Investment Portfolio. He enjoys playing tennis and pursuing photography in his free time. After graduation, he plans to pursue a career in consulting in New York City. ANMOL SHRESTHA is pursuing a degree in computer science and engineering with a minor in physics. Anmol worked for Bent- ley Systems in a co-op program in the fall of 2019. In 2020, he is working as part of a research project team where data sci- ence and data analytics techniques are uti- lized to explore local governments’ public messaging regarding COVID-19 and the resulting local outcome. Anmol grew up in Kathmandu, Nepal. At Lehigh, Anmol has served on the staff for the Office of First- Year Experience and Office of Interna- tional Students and Scholars, as a teach- ing assistant for multiple computer science courses, and as a tutor for calculus and computer science courses. He currently is a member of the Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity and the Tau Beta Pi en- gineering honor society and has served as vice president for LU Diplomats. After graduation, he hopes to go into a career that involves using data analytics to make better and more efficient decisions in vari- ous facets of our lives. KIRA K. STEVENSON is pursuing her Bachelor of Science in economics and a minor in international relations. Because of Lehigh University’s designation as a UN NGO and the learning experiences stem- ming from this perspective, Kira has gravi- tated toward research that seeks to explain the vast international divergence in global wealth and living standards. In addition to her work with the Martindale Student As- sociates, she is also in the department of economics honors research program and currently vice president of the Lehigh Eco- nomics Club. Kira is an equestrian turned economist who hails from the City of Ros- es—Pasadena, CA. She has international work experience, interning at Foreign Ser- vice Group in Shanghai, China, in the sum- mer of 2019. After interning in 2020 as a financial analyst at Citi, she received a full time offer for postgraduate employment. www. l e h i g h . e d u / m a r t i n d a l e
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