MArtindale Student Association

Mar t indale Student Associates Honors Program 2019–20, South Africa The Martindale Center is pleased to announce the publication of Volume 38 of our undergraduate student research journal, Perspectives on Business and Economics , featuring academic articles written by the 2019–20 Martindale Student Associates on issues pertaining to South Africa’s business, economy, and society. The Martindale Student Associ- ates Honors Program provides an opportunity for a select group of Lehigh University students—from all disciplines across Lehigh’s three undergraduate colleges— to explore global business, eco- nomic, and public policy issues outside the scope of classroom study. The students undertake this work in addition to their degree courses out of interest in the coun- try of focus and a desire to chal- lenge themselves academically. The Martindale Center takes each cohort on a fact-gathering trip to Washington, DC, followed by an intensive 12-day research trip to the country of study where they meet and discuss the issues with thought leaders from govern- ment, business, and academia. During the following academic year, the students complete their research, work one-on-one with a faculty mentor, and write up their findings in the form of profession- al-quality journal articles for publi- cation in Martindale’s undergradu- ate research journal, Perspectives on Business and Economics . SOUTH AFRICA: REMEDIES FOR THE PAST AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FUTURE Volume 38 2020 Perspectives on Business and Economics THE GAY AND DOUGLAS LANE JOURNAL OF THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY MARTINDALE CENTER STUDENT ASSOCIATES INTRODUCTION Gavin du Preez RESTRUCTURING ESKOM: TRANSFORMING SOUTH AFRICA’S ELECTRICITY SECTOR Tino Petros INCREMENTALISM IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN LEGAL SYSTEM: SOCIOECONOMIC RIGHTS AND THE JUDICIARY Aaron K. Adams THE EFFICACY OF SOUTH AFRICA’S BROAD-BASED BLACK ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT POLICY Rachel Buonasora FOOD SECURITY IN SOUTH AFRICA IN AN ERA OF CLIMATE CHANGE Jordan Wolman EXPROPRIATION WITHOUT COMPENSATION IN SOUTH AFRICA Jake I. Cooper SOUTH AFRICA’S LABOR FORCE AMID TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE Ha Dao VOCATIONAL EDUCATION IN SOUTH AFRICA Xiaming Jin THE RACIAL UNDERPINNINGS OF HOUSING DISPARITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA Kevelis Matthews-Alvarado COMBATING CORRUPTION IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH SECTOR Christianna Angeli S. Pepingco HIV AND AIDS IN SOUTH AFRICA: EMPOWERING INDIVIDUALS TO MAKE WIDESPREAD CHANGE Ariel Pawlo SOUTH AFRICA’S EDUCATION DILEMMAS Hanna Skinner RESTRUCTURING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA: OPPORTUNITIES FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Karim M. Rajmohamed www.