E N D P A P E R PACKER MUSEUM Past + Future L E H I G H U N I V E R S I T Y S P E C I A L C O L L E C T I O N S Taken by a photography student in 1886, the above image shows stufed birds and a bear on display in Lehigh’s frst museum, once located in Packer Hall, now the Clayton University Center at Packer Hall (CUC). The stone building has had many uses since its construction in 1868. As the frst structure built for Lehigh, the CUC housed the president’s ofce, classrooms, a chemical laboratory, library and chapel, all of which were later relocated on an expanding campus. As part of an extensive renovation in 1956, the interior was gutted and a three-story stone addition went up on the building’s south side, facing SouthMountain. Themuseumwas housed inwhat was once theAsa Packer Dining Room. The dining room was designed for use as a chapel, but after PackerMemorial Church opened in 1887, the museum was moved up a foor to occupy the old chapel space. Changes are yet again under way as the CUC will undergo extensive renovations. (See page 24). Plans call for reimagined spaces for dining, studying, socializing and meeting. Outside, a large fre pit will be added, the masonry cleaned up and repointed and new walkways, lighting and landscaping installed.—Christina Tatu 8 0 | L E H I G H B U L L E T I N