
LEHIGH COLLEGE OF BUSINESS • 5 BUSINESS.LEHIGH.EDU OUR STUDENTS AT ALL LEVELS will excel at taking ill-defined problems and creating the structure needed to resolve the situation. From the first day of the academic program through degree completion, our curricula and pedagogy will prepare them not only for the business world of today but also for lifelong learning. Students DIRECTIONAL STRATEGY #1: GOAL 1A Enable discovery based learning Based on the belief that learning occurs as students are actively involved in a process of meaning and knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving informa- tion,we commit to a College-wide adoption of discovery based learning to strengthen our students critical thinking and problem solving abilities—the keys to success in later life. We recognize that this method of instruction may already be an established form in some of our classes; we are commit- ted to a College-wide adoption. › ACTION PRIORITIES • Inquiry based and problem based learning across the curriculum. • Expand experiential educational opportunities. • Implement signature experiences for all students that will enhance user experience. GOAL 1B Continued focus on the cen- trality of analytics and tech- nology in our curriculum Lehigh Business is uniquely situated to harness the academic offerings not only in our own College but also in the PC Rossin College of Engineering. We can leverage and build upon our long stand- ing and highly successful programs such as Integrated Business and Engineering (IBE), Computer Science and Business (CSB), and the Masters in Financial Engineering (MSFE). We will explore and encourage collaborations in the new College of Health, the College of Arts and Sciences and with the College of Educa- tion as opportunities arise to deepen our strength in analytics and technology. › ACTION PRIORITIES • Ensure analytics competency excellence and increased analytics course develop- ment along with co-curricular activities (hackathons, case competitions, etc.). • Seek out more cross University partner- ships to further leverage our strengths. • Adopt classroom technology at the fore- front of pedagogy. GOAL 1C Promote corporate collaborations to provide real world exposure Business education cannot exist solely in the classroom. To prepare our students for an ever changing and fast paced work force we must provide access to real world business settings. Through harnessing the power of technology that removes the barriers of geography we have an even greater opportunity to permit our students to move seamlessly from classroom to business setting. › ACTION PRIORITIES • More project based group learning engaged with a faculty coach and a corporate and/or government clients. • Term time internships/co-ops coupled with on line classes to maintain progress to timely graduation. NIKKI GROCE '21 MARKETING IN HONG KONG Over the next five years Lehigh Business will pivot from the perspective of comparison to other business schools to celebrating and expanding our strengths and define our goals by our own aspirations rather than comparative metrics. Our innate and distinctive talents as scholars, teachers and citizens underpin this strategic vision and prompt us to envision how to use these talents to break boundaries to achieve greater heights as a modern business school.