WHAT’SNEW ATLU ‘23-’24ACADEMICYEAR MOBILEORDER PICKUPLOCKERS NEW &IMPROVED FO DTRUCKS DINING&RETAIL RENOVATIONS Exclusively at The Grind: Enhance your m obile ordering experience with our brand new,contact-fre pickup lockers. Sim ply place yourpickup orderon the Grubhub app,use the generated Q R code to unlock the locker,and get yourgrub! ThisFal,check outM arketX:Refreshed with a new lo k and new self-checkout kiosks.D ining D olars and GoldPLUS now ac epted!And ifyou’re down atRathbone,feastyoureyeson Stacks:O urnewly renovated m ade-to-ordersalad/delistation. O uram azing fo d truckshave each be n reim agined with new, vibrantdesigns!Be on the lo koutforFud Truk and Talon,as wel as ourlatest addition:The Purple Pita,boasting m odern M iddle Eastern cuisine with hand-harvested H alal m eats. findoutmore onlastpage