WELCOME W ebelievethatfo d bringspeopletogether.O urteam workshard everydayand is com m ited to providing the Lehigh com m unity with an extraordinary dining experiencethatisconsistently fresh,deliciousand nutritiousin ourdining locations. Studentswil ënd awidevarietyofcuisinesand healthyoptions. O ur dining program prides itself on being forward thinking, innovative and dynam ic.O urprofesionalchefsdevelop m enusthatinclude vegan and vegetarian optionsand catertothosewith specialdietaryne ds.W earealwayshappytodiscus ourm enustoac om m odateyourspeciëcne ds. O urful-tim e,on-cam pusRegistered D ietitian isa greatresource to help students achieve personaldietary goals or guidance w ith specialdiets.Lehigh D ining also of fersnutritionalsupport,education and program sthroughouttheentireyearthat areconëdentialand fre .Sim plycontactourteam tosetup an appointm ent. Additionaly,wehaveaprofesionalcatering team thatcan expertly plan any event. W ealsofeatureourown on-cam pusbakerythatof fersm ade-from -scratch brownies, cakes,co kies,pies,tartsand otherdelicious,freshly m adebakery treats. W elo k forward to m e ting and serving you thisyear. W elcom eto Lehigh D ining.