SPRING 2021 Our Writing Across the Curriculum program trained 30 new Technology, Research, and Communication Fellows who joined the 88strong TRAC Writing Fellows program in supporting 55 courses in the spring and fall, including 6 large courses, and held over 5,000 individual and group writing consultations. 765 hours of DMSproduced video and audio Challenges for 2022-2023: How do we build new cultures of teaching and learning at Lehigh that capitalize on the strengths of both in-person and remote instruction? Which technologies will have the greatest benefit to student learning and which might we be wise to avoid? What support will our campus community need to continually keep adapting to new pedagogies and new technologies? T E A C H I N G & L E A R N I N G The CITL Winter Workshop went virtual in January 2021. Sessions were held giving faculty and other members of the Lehigh community the opportunity to hear from both undergraduate and graduate students on their experiences during Fall 2020 followed by sessions on preparing for teaching in the spring. 271 participants attended the workshop over a span of four days. 6 | L I BRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERV I CES The Lehigh Business Flex MBA program, with Distance Education support for faculty and students, was ranked the #10 Online MBA by US News and World Report and the #6 Online MBA by Poets and Quants. The IT Team led faculty workshops for 215 participants on Panopto Basics, Perusall for Collaborative Annotation, Creating Quizzes in Course Site, Universal Design for Learning, Google Assignments, Course Site Gradebook, Using Zoom for Teaching, Peer Learning at Lehigh, and Make Math Digital with EquatIO. Collaborated with faculty in the College of Health to pilot JupyterHub in Amazon Web Services to provide students with a consistent classroom platform for data analysis. Distance Education provided online and in-classroom technical support for the 1-MBA and Master’s in Management programs in the College of Business. These are typically residential, cohort-based programs that moved their entire curriculum online during the pandemic. DE’s support ensured that all students were able to enroll in these programs and complete their degrees. 125 courses supported by Distance Education