20-21 LTS Annual Report

Stacey Alderfer Stephen Anthony Muhammed Ashraf Michael Aversa Issa Awwad Carolyn Baldwin-SoRelle Edward Ballinger Richard Bauer David Bernini Lois Black Daniel Brashler Jarret Brown Rebecca Bruneio Denise Campion Mark Canney Lori Carroll Anthony Casamassa Amanda Caton Ilhan Citak Erin Clavier Tara Coyle Donna Cressman Christopher Creswell Forest Crowley Clark Damron Kelly Decker Thomas Donahue Daniel Dougherty Kathleen Dugan Gregory Edwards Bruce Eisenhard Keith Erekson James Eshleman Colin Foley Kathleen Frederick Gale Fritsche Erica Gluszynski Abdel Guettatfi W. Judd Hark Phillip Hewitt Grant Hittinger Richard Houck Daniel Huang Lizanne Hurst Jon Hutchinson Dale Jacobs Andrew Januszak Alex Japha Devin Jayetileke David Jones Sachin Joshi Peggy Kane David Keppel Ilena Key Stacey Kimmel-Smith Allen Kingsbury Cristina Koorie Noel Kratzer Stephen Lewis Steven Lichak Sarah Loosbrock Eric Luhrs Jeremy Mack Christopher Martin Julia Maserjian Lisa McColl Keith Meeker Chulin Meng Wayne Mery Lorin Miller Mark Miller Daniel Mills Janice Mitchell James Monek Billy Morris David Morrisette Alex Morykin Patrick Murphy A. Allen Myers Boaz Nadav-Manes Jeff Nass Jane Nigrelli Daniel Olsheski Ryan Pacala Alexander Pacheco Timothy Palumbo Barbara Parenti Justin Patterson Jesse Pearson Margaret Petrovich Glenn Piper Mark Piskorski Bryan Pitkin Brian Posivak Brad Price David Ramsay Raymond Randall Eunice Rankin Doug Reese Gregory Reihman Nathaniel Righi Matthew Romero Luis Rosario Tania Rossi Jacob Ruttle Ashley Ryan Hope Sagnip Steve Sakasitz John Santamaria Theresa Sarik Daniel Schwartz Mark Scott James Secrest Gail Sheek Bobby Siegfried Brian Simboli Larry Simek Heather Simoneau Gregory Skutches Jason Slipp Kent Smith Marcella Sohara Sara Solares Munroe Sollog Jason Spiegel Jason Stanford Ann Thompson Diana Toolan John Troiano Dario Varga James Vincent Alexis Vitello James Wagner Kurt Weber Robert Weidman Sharon Wiles-Young Tricia Wilson Keith Wojaczyk Jasmine Woodson Holly Zakos John Zekind Eric Zematis Michelle Zhao Helen Zuercher L i b r a r y and T e c hno l ogy S e r v i c e s S t a f f 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 34 | L I BRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERV I CES