06. STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY, EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION CITL's Digital Scholarship Team worked with students and the Office of Student Engagement to produce a multimedia event Lehigh With Love. The production featured students, faculty, and staff in an entertaining and informative variety show that was then livestreamed as a fundraiser for local community organizations. Produced the Mobilizing Our Community video for the Zoellner Arts Center Education & Outreach program, which featured elementary and intermediate school projects from over 250 fourth-graders from the Lehigh Valley. Collaborated with Lehigh's South Side Initiative on updating their site to include information on the Women of Bethlehem Steel community/university partnership. The Assistive Technology Committee, consisting of LTS staff from Client Services, the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Web & Mobile Services, and the libraries, continued support for the Office of Disability Support Services around accessibility of learning materials, websites, and physical spaces. The IT Team implemented and supported the use of live captioning tools in Zoom and captions for recorded video in Panopto. The team provided student accommodations in the fully online environment in conjunction with the Office of Disability Support Services. CITL partnered with the Faculty Senate Leadership and the Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity to organize and promote a three-day workshop on Inclusive Excellence in Teaching, which included sessions such as Inclusive Teaching – Pedagogies That Promote Inclusivity and faculty and student panels, with nearly 150 attendees. 97% of faculty participants reported that the workshop met its stated goal of helping faculty and teaching assistants adopt instructional practices that integrate and promote inclusive excellence and a sense of belonging in the classroom. Cristina Koorie represented LTS as part of Lehigh’s Council for Equity and Community, an independent advisory board comprised of Lehigh staff, faculty, and students committed to serving as a campus resource in the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Holly Zakos, Tim Palumbo, and Mark Piskorski represented LTS on the Employee Relations Advisory Committee (ERAC), with Holly serving as Secretary and Tim serving as Chair of Events. Remote and FlexPlace can reduce opportunities for social and community connections; in response, we launched LTS 4x4s where randomized groups of four LTS staff met together in Zoom four times over the semester for casual conversation and time to share more about who we are outside of work. Partnered with the Bethlehem Area Public Library on the Collecting COVID-19 Stories initiative to capture and preserve community voices. 28 | L I BRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERV I CES C O M M U N I T Y