Client Services managed Lehigh's COVID-19 data and created data visualizations for the University's COVID-19 dashboard. We also developed forms, and other reporting, scheduling, tracking, and management tools for Lehigh's COVID-19 and re-entry activities. Implemented Dropbox Enterprise, a cloud-based file storage system that enables easy team collaboration, file syncing, seamless functionality with Office applications, and access on any device. Expanded the use and capability of DocuSign to streamline workflows, minimize manual approval processes, and reduce paper. We also extended its reach in the Salesforce platform to enhance Admissions processes. Over 1,000 students, faculty, and staff have active accounts on Adobe Creative Cloud, which we acquired in August 2020 for academic and business uses. Collaborated with Student Affairs on the COVID-19 Required Student Expectations Course Site in fall and spring. Review of this site and a formal acknowledgement of expected behavior was required of all students during the pandemic. Continued to expand wireless coverage throughout campus and started deployment of next generation Wi-Fi 6 technology. Upgraded network building switches in Iacocca Hall, Sherman-Fairchild/Lewis Lab, and STEPS. Brought the new Singleton, Hitch, and Maida student housing online with network connectivity. With limited physical space, power, and cooling in the EWFM Data Center to support substantial growth in High Performance Computing (HPC) and research, we launched an HPC Data Center feasibility study to determine best options to support future HPC and research needs. Greatly increased capacity for VPN connectivity, phone system call paths, and LUapps to support remote work and online teaching and learning. Deployed REDCap, a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases for research. Client Services staff taught 21 software, technology, and productivity seminars on topics such as Google Calendar, Docs, and Drive, Slack, Git, and LinkedIn Learning, with over 1,000 attendees. Over 180 incoming students and their families attended the Tech Talk webinar. Attendees learned about Lehigh's computing and networking environment, and received practical advice on personal device purchase and configuration from a panel of computing and hardware specialists and Client Services managers. T E C H N O L O G Y & E X P E R T I S E I AM BEYOND GRATEFUL FOR THE HOTSPOT LOANED TO ME BY LEHIGH UNIVERSITY. WITHOUT INTERNET ACCESS, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SUCCEED IN A VIRTUAL CLASSROOM. —LEIDY IGLESIAS ‘22 Journalism 2020 / 21 | ANNUA L REPORT | 17