LTS Annual Report_2024

P AGE 35 ANNUAL REPORT 2023–2024 Leadership Lois Black, Director of Library Special Collections, was reappointed to a second two-year term on the Association of College and Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Instruction and Outreach Committee. Maccabee Levine, Senior Library Application Developer, was elected to a second term on the FOLIO Technical Council. Maccabee was also appointed to the Project ReShare Product Team. Lisa McColl, Metadata Services Manager, began serving on the Share-VDE Advisory Council, was elected to a two-year term on the FOLIO Product Council, and began working on a National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Metadata/Cataloging Working Group as part of the Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP) Grant. Jim Monek, Director of Technology, Infrastructure & Operations, was selected to be on both the Internet2 NET+ Cloud Services Technology Architecture Advisory Committee and Internet2 Net+ AWS Service Advisory Board. Jim also served on I2 Community Exchange, I2 Technology Exchange, and Cloud Forum conference planning committees. Boaz Nadav-Manes, Lehigh University Librarian, completed his tenure as the president of the PALCI Board of Directors. He was elected to serve another term on the Project ReShare Steering Committee and began to chair the Marketing and Communication Team. Boaz was also elected to the inaugural Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust Board, where he serves as Treasurer. Boaz continued to be a co-PI on the Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project funded by the IMLS National Leadership Grant. Greg Reihman, Vice Provost for Library and Technology Services, was elected to another term of service on the Board of Directors of KINBER, a non-profit organization committed to promoting digital equity across Pennsylvania, where he will continue to serve as chair of the Investment Committee and as a member of the Governance and Executive Committees. Elizabeth Young Miller, Social Sciences Librarian, was elected as a Member-at-Large and Co-Chair of the Membership Committee of the Anthropology and Sociology (ANSS) section of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). As an active member of this committee, she hosted a virtual social on generative AI use in library instruction. Elizabeth was also selected as the incoming convener of ACRL’s Academic Library Services for International Students (ALSIS) Interest Group. Presentations Lois Black, Director of Library Special Collections, participated in the panel discussion “Teaching by Anecdote: An Introduction to Experiential Learning with Primary Sources” at the Association of College and Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Conference in Costa Mesa, California. This session offered examples of how special collections instructors might rework their approaches to teaching with primary sources. ▶ LTS STAFF AS OF AY24 8 retirements/ separations 17 external hires 15 promotions and transitions