ANNUAL REPORT 2023–2024 - P - - - - - AGE 19 LTS Expertise in Action Throughout the year CITL staff provided tours, demos, and support of CITL spaces — the DIY studio, Podcasting Studio, Visualization Lab, Student Developer Lab, and CITL classrooms to enhance content and events offered by administrative units across the university. The Instructional Technology Team conducted exten sive consultations with administrative units on the use of Course Site, Zoom, Panopto, and Google collab orative tools in support of business continuity and process improvement. Instruction and Outreach librarians offered an LTS seminar, Exploring AI Research Tools, which focused on Consensus, Elicit, and ResearchRabbit. In addition to providing an introduction to these tools, the librar ians highlighted the strengths and limitations of each tool, comparing the data sources, AI models used, unique functionality, and best use case for each. The Digital Research and Scholarship Team assisted Facilities and Campus Planning with the transition of their interior space data from Cartegraph to ArcGIS Indoors. Client Services has adopted Intune, Microsoft’s cloud-based endpoint management solution, to automate the configuration of new Windows systems. This approach has enabled the deployment of nearly 1,000 new computers, resulting in substantial time savings. Computing Consultants ▶ Provided expert guidance to clients and college and administrative liaisons, offering numerous consulta tions on data management strategies, business and collaboration software, computer purchasing, and other areas, in support of process improvement. ▶ Configured, updated, and provided support for over 50 computer labs across all five colleges. These labs, equipped with specialized software and custom configurations, are critical to support ing teaching, research, and hands-on learning in disciplines ranging from engineering to the humanities. This support is essential for fostering a technologically robust learning environment that meets the diverse needs of the entire university community. ▶ Led 47 seminars, as well as numerous personalized training sessions, on key topics like data storage and collection, data analysis, and productivity tips and tricks. These sessions help university adminis tration, researchers, students, and faculty enhance their data management skills, streamline research, boost productivity, and enable more informed decision-making. Digital Media Studio ▶ Supported Development and Alumni Relations with editing Lehigh GO Getters podcasts. ▶ Created Zoellner Arts Center promotional videos and commercials. ▶ Conducted professional portraiture photogra phy for various units across campus including Rauch Center for Business Communication, the Undergraduate Research Symposium, and the Lehigh Women’s Network. ▶ Created 360 VR tours of technology classrooms in the Business Innovation Building and signature spaces in the Clayton University Center. ▶ Recorded interviews of returning alumni during the Alumni Oral Histories at Reunion 2024 for the “I Remain Project.” - - 6.4M logins protected with Duo two-factor authentication 1.3M security events evaluated Learning Space Technology and Design Team The Learning Space Technology and Design Team consulted with LU Facilities on the design and imple mentation of AV systems for the Clayton UC project including providing standards for all room systems,