PAGE 8 LIBRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES - - BY THE NUMBERS 6868 cores 173 nodes 50TB CPU memory 5.2TB GPU memory 229 GPUs 48 NVIDIA L40S GPUs 2 petabyte storage (raw) 240TB fast storage (raw) Cloud Computing Secure Research Cloud Continued to introduce the Secure Research Cloud (SRC) to faculty who use sensitive data for their research. We have part nered with six faculty on projects actively using this resource: • Paolo Bocchini, Civil and Environmental Engineering • Jee-Hun Choi, Economics • Brian Davison, Computer Science & Engineering • Bilal Khan, Computer Science & Engineering • Albert Liu, Community and Population Health • Thomas McAndrew, Community and Population Health With nine other projects in the pipeline, we are refining this cloud-based environment to meet specific storage and compu tation needs so that Lehigh researchers can securely receive and work with sensitive data from our partners to support high-impact projects. Centralized Research Storage Our research computing group has expanded both the scale and features that support our shared “Ceph” storage system to support research data. In addition to beginning a five-year refresh of this system, we have improved its performance for intensive big data workflows. Organizing Research Support We have created a simplified and standardized way for faculty to “Request a Research Consultation” with LTS experts. This effort has reduced the time between question and answer for openended research support questions. COMPUTER TIME DELIVERED 27M total core-hours 3.2M core-hours delivered to the Open Science Grid ▶