PAGE 4 LIBRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES in the years to come with potential expansion into other courses and programs. - - - - - The seal of King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598) on display at the What's So Special about Special Collections 5x10 for first year students. Student projects that use Amazon Alexa were deployed into the Lehigh-managed AWS infrastructure with the help of LTS staff. The Systems Engineering Team pro vided technical expertise in support of innovative student projects with real-world applications like the PA-100 Index, an equity index representing the 100 largest public companies headquartered in Pennsylvania by market capitalization, developed by students in the Master’s of Financial Engineering program. Students benefited from access to new and expanded JupyterLab and RStudio environments. LTS launched Storage Finder, a tool that helps guide faculty, staff, and students on storage decisions. Our Learning Space Technology and Design Team completed upgrades to 14 classrooms, including upgrades to one with HyFlex capability and thirteen with computer and classroom control systems; upgraded 10 conference rooms; built out 12 digital signage systems; and upgraded 200 computers in public computing sites. CITL staff supported the introduction of electronic port folios as a mode of learning and assessment in Greg Skutches’ last course taught at Lehigh, the student- directed, peer-learning course ENGL 191—What’s the Story?: Literature the Instructor Has Not Read. Special Collections partnered with faculty from astron omy to zoology to introduce students across the curriculum to Lehigh’s rich special collections. A high light was Professor Santiago Herrera’s “Biodiversity in a Changing Planet” (Bios 90) class learning about extinct birds from curator Lois Black, who shared images of the Carolina Parakeet, Passenger Pigeon, Great Auk, and Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, among others, while our Science Librarian explained the evolution of thinking about the concept of extinction. Special Collections also introduced students to the Field Guide to Extinct Birds, an artist’s book that cap tured the attention of students. Teacher Development Program for Graduate Students The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) and Instruction & Outreach librarians once again offered our year-long Teacher Development Series for graduate students looking to improve their instructional and classroom skills. Topics included Giving and Receiving Meaningful Feedback, Navigating Difficult Topics and Conversations, Inclusive Teaching, Reflection in Teaching and Learning, Cycles of Learning, and Teaching with XR. Support for Online and Distance Education LTS Instructional Technology and Digital Media Studio staff worked with the Deputy Provost for Graduate Education and College of Business faculty to develop three courses in Lehigh’s professional certificate in Business Analytics Fundamentals for Data Driven MAKING THE FUTURE: Plans for 2024-25 To support Lehigh’s strategic focus on new interdisciplinary educational programs and innovative teaching, we will partner with the Provost’s Office and college deans to promote the adoption of high-impact pedagogies that promote student success. We will also launch a new version of Course Site, which offers enhanced features and a more user-friendly interface. And we will double down on our commitment to our faculty partners with whom we collaborate to discover how emerging technologies and effective pedagogies can improve student learning and deepen engagement.