PAGE 16 LIBRARY AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES develop the innovative open source library services platform FOLIO. The Libraries were also a leading early adopter of and contributor to the ReShare Project. This open source, community-owned resource sharing platform enables Lehigh users to take advantage of resources shared within and beyond the Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration and Innovation (PALCI). Consortium partners include: University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, New York University, Rutgers, Temple, and 73 other organizations. ► Lehigh Libraries began work on the IMLS National Leadership granted Collaborative Collections Lifecycle Project (CCLP). As co-PI on the grant and initiative lead, Lehigh works together with 32 organizations across the United States, Canada, and Europe to develop a network infrastructure to allow library experts from across the world to expand access, enrichment, and preservation of research collections. ► Web and Mobile Services (WMS) launched “wms drupal,” a standardized install profile for Drupal 9 websites at Lehigh. With its launch came the cre ation of a “living style guide” for website editors to reference and a showcase website for newly released theme and functionality additions. Since its launch WMS has: - - • Created 8 new websites in Drupal 9. • Manually migrated 21 websites from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9. • Wrote migration scripts to automate the migra tion of remaining websites from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9, with two automated migrations so far. - ► Other WMS projects included: • Coordinated with DAR to launch their new Alumni website (vendor-developed site handed over to WMS). • Creation of the Storage Finder website to help people choose among various storage solutions. TOP 10 LTS HELP DESK TOPICS ► 1. Identity management accounts 2. Endpoint consulting/configuration 3. Software (including LUapps, excluding Office, Google apps) 4. Course Site 5. Enterprise applications 6. Instructional technology (general topics) 7. General/Non-LTS 8. Duo two-factor authentication 9. Printing 10. Classroom technology LUapps VIRTUAL SOFTWARE ► Total LUapps launches: 29,298 Unique Users: 3,609 Total hours of use: 50,847