FALL 2023 | 25 So far, Eby has raised nearly $1 million for research through her public appeals, including through a unified effort from her colleagues at Salesforce. (She recently addressed 70,000 people at a company kickoff in California.) Her followers on TikTok number more than 100,000 and on Instagram (@LimpBroozkit), more than 85,000. Eby, whose father Clifford Eby ’73 and brother Christopher Eby ’05 are also Lehigh alums, says her terminal diagnosis has made her “a lot more openeyed to joy.” On social media, she answers viewers’ questions to let people know what it’s like to have the disease. “What’s something that a lot of people get wrong about people with ALS?” she’s asked. “How has this changed your outlook on your life?” “This is the path I’m supposed to be on,” she told one interviewer. “We are all more resilient than we give ourselves credit for.”—Mary Ellen Alu LISA HELFERT