33 Arthur T. Murlless, father of William G. Murlless 1965 Mary Louise Murphy 1981 and Craig T. Monaghan 1980, parents of Connor Monaghan 2012 and Rand Monaghan 2015 Elizabeth and Frank C. Nicholas, parents of Scott Nicholas 1979 and Peter Nicholas 1981 Laurie and Joseph Nosofsky, parents of Emma Jane Nosofsky 2016 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Occhi, parents of Elizabeth Occhi 1984 Jennifer B. 1991 1993G and Keith R. Palumbo 1990, parents of Julia Palumbo 2023 Leila E. and Kevin R. Parke, parents of Oliver E. Parke 2017 Judith B. Parr 2017PG, mother of Willem Ytsma 2017G Kaye and Marc C. Particelli 1968, parents of Ryan C. Particelli 2006 Ann Hall and Lanny R. Patten, parents of David Patten 1981, John Patten 1984, Jeff Patten 1985, and Mark Patten 1990 Pat and Rick Penske 1965, parents of Victoria Aitchison 1992, Crislyn Sheeler 1993, Stephen Penske 2006, and grandparents of David Aitchison 2020, Matthew Aitchison 2026, and Trey Sheeler 2027 Christine H. and Michael J. Perrucci, parents of Helene N. Kinsman 2003 Perri S. and Mario J. Procida 1980, parents of Dylan S. Procida Martz 2011 and Michael Thomas Procida 2017 Helene A. 1980 and Frank A. Roth 1980, parents of Emily Ann Hampson 2008 and Andrew John Roth 2011 Louise Pitkin, daughter of Alfred Stanley 1932 and mother of Victoria L. Pitkin 1991 Francis Pykon, father of Edward R. Pykon 1990 Marguerite B. Reed, mother of David C. Reed 1973 and Robert W. Reed 1978 Elaine and Lawrence Raia, parents of Christopher C. Raia 1991 and Jennifer Raia Marino 1995 Edward A. Reider, Jr., father of Edward A. Reider III Joanne and Dennis J. Salamone, parents of Thomas J. Salamone 2001 Nancy and Robert Schatzman, parents of Madeline Schatzman 2012 Joan F. and Elihu M. Schepps 1952, parents of Israel M. Schepps 1980 Rita P. 1980G and Joe B. Scheller, parents of Michael H. Scheller 1989G Philip B. Sheibley 1981, parent of Mallory Sheibley Drs. Lois and Edward Schroeder, parents of Donald M. Schroeder 1986 Andrea Schuman, mother of Richard M. Schuman 2004 Alan V. Schwartz 1970, parent of Andrew Robert Schwartz 2011 John and Pamela Sebastian, parents of Michael “Bear” Sebastian 1996 Rodolfo Segovia, parent of Jorge Segovia 1989 and Maricio Segovia 1991 Rita P. 1980G 1989PG and Joe B. Scheller 1989PG, parents of Michael H. Scheller 1989G Philip B. Sheibley 1981, parent of Mallory Sheibley 2019 Andrew M. Shmerler 1974, parent of Harry M. Shmerler 2024 Henry Shotmeyer, grandfather of Timothy Jacob Shotmeyer 2000 Joyce and Edwin G. Sielewicz, parents of David J. Sielewicz 1986 Barbara and Al Siemer, parents of Elizabeth Siemer 1993 and David Siemer 1996 Margaret and Sidney J. Silver 1957 1959G 2017GP 2018GP 2019GP, parents of David C. Silver 1981 and Daniel B. Silver 1993, and grandparents of Marissa C. Cannon 2018 and Madison D. Cannon 2019 John and Diane Simon, parents of Evan Louis Simon 2019 Scott Simoneau 1988 1994G and Heather (Murray) Simoneau 1990 2015G, parents of Anna Rose Simoneau 2018 and Michael K. Simoneau 2020 Helen M. Simpson, mother of Jerry T. Simpson 1953 David D. Smith 1948, parent of David D. Smith, Jr. 1973 Maxine and Martin Solomon 1965, parents of Marcy S. Baker 1992 and grandparents of Samantha A. Baker 2021 Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Sommerwerck, parents of James T. Sommerwerck 1972 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Spector, grandparents of Rachel Rothkrug 2011 Bill and Mimi Stanford 1969G, parents of Graham P. Stanford 1999 Stephanie J. Stiefel, parent of Joshua M. Stiefel 2008 Mr. and Mrs. William Succop 1979H, parents of Lawrence Succop 1966, J. William Succop 1969, Cari Succop 1974, Augusta Succop 1975, Donna Succop 1976, David Succop 1977, and Ben Succop 1983 Barbara Sugarman, mother of Amy L. Zuckerman 1988; and grandmother of Harry L. Zuckerman 2021 Bonnie L. Higgins and Thomas J. Sullivan, parents of Ryan Thomas Sullivan 2023 Elaine and Gary Tarantino 1970 1976G, parents of Stacy Tarantino Kalbach 1995 David Thomson 1983 1984G and Wendy Littner Thomson 1983 1984G 2008G, parents of Sarah E. Thomson 2013 and Abigal L. Thomson 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tiesi 1993, parents of George Tiesi 2027 Jill E. Triani 1994 and James W. Flinchbaugh 1994, parents of Emma Flinchbaugh 2024 and Jack Flinchbaugh 2026 Dr. and Mrs. Edward V. Twiggar II, parents of Edward Twiggar 1991 and Andrew Twiggar 1994 Kate and Ted Tye 2013P, parents of Andrew M. Tye 2013 J. David A. Walker and M. Elizabeth Walker, parents of Neal S. Walker 1992 Robert A. Weisstuch 1985, parent of Caroline Weisstuch 2019 Karen W. and George P. White, parents of Timothy M. White 2006 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wiewiorowski, parents of Nicholas Wiewiorowski 2013 and Katherine Wiewiorowski 2013 Laura and E. Packer Wilbur, parents of Andrew Wilbur 1993 and Gillian Wilbur 1994 Ethel and Stanley Wilcox, parents of Stanley J. Wilcox 1961 Virginia L. 1971G and Robert Williamson 1979P 1984P, parents of Lawrence K. Williamson 1979 and Eric C. Williamson 1984 Kristie Y. Wong 1994 and K. H. George Lee 1993, parents of Ryan Lee 2026 Concepcion 1989P and Ben Yen 1959G 1963G 1989P, parents of Thomas G. Yen 1990 Lucille Zollinger, mother of John E. Zollinger, Jr. 1957 Faculty and Staff Dr. and Mrs. Heinrich K. Adenstedt Edward D. Amstutz Laura and Frederick Ashbaugh Ingeborg and Carl Beidleman Professor and Mrs. Robert W. Blake Joan and Bobb Carson Mary and William Chandler