32 Marge and Bill Birdsall 1962, parents of James D. Birdsall 2001 Nancy M. Berman 1997H and Alan J. Bloch 2014GP, grandparents of Max Kiss 2014 Amy and Benjamin R. Bloomstone, parents of Samuel J. Bloomstone 2016 Jeffrey Bosland 1988, parent of Andrew Joseph Bosland 2023 Michelle Cabot Brettschneider 1990 and Fred Brettschneider, parents of Morgan Brettschneider 2023 Susan P. and Kenneth W. Burgess, parents of Kenny W. Burgess 2023 Michelle G. Coleman 1989 and Thomas J. Coleman, parents of Hannah Coleman 2022 Anne M. and James P. Davis 1979, parents of Brianne Long Davis 2011 Julius W. Detrixhe, father of James B. Detrixhe 1962 Dave 1988 and Mary DiBrigida 1986, parents of Alexandra DiBrigida 2017 and Christina DiBrigida 2023 Mary and Frank Dickson, parents of David Dickson 1986, Frank Dickson 1986, and Mary Dickson 1987 Lorrie S. Drucker and Kevin D. Drucker 1993, parents of Gabriel M. Drucker 2025 Michelle V. and James J. Duane III 1973, parents of James Joseph Duane 2004 and David J. Duane 2006 Mr. and Mrs. Dirk L. Dunlap, Sr. 1964G 1992P 1998P, parents of Dirk L. Dunlap, Jr. 1992 and Scott S. Dunlap 1998 Catherine Engelbert 1986, mother of Thomas E. Martin 2023 Jeffrey P. Feather, father of Eric J. Feather 2010 Armand Fernandes 1961, father of Elise Rego 1987 2024P, Laurie Bourgeois 1989, Andrea Fernandes-Lawson 1995, Mark Fernandes 1998 and grandparent of Brendan Rego 2024 Georgianna and Martin R. Fisher, parents of Todd A. Fisher 2003 Elaine V. Flood-Lyderson, widow of Kevin J. Flood, and mother of Brian D. Flood 1997 Virginia B. Fowler, mother of Wayan B. Fowler-Puja 2016 Jeannette and Fred Fox, parents of V. Warren Fox 1945 Jeffrey S. Frase 1990, parent of Emily Frase 2023 Sally and Joel M. Freed 1965 1966, father of Brian Douglas Freed 1990 Angela R. and Gregory C. Furtaw, parents of Charles J. Furtaw 2024 Jill and James Gibson, parents of Julie R. Gibson 1999 Marlene and Alan Gilbert, parents of Andrew Samuel Gilbert 2019 Alfred R. and Ruth Glancy III, parents of Andrew R. Glancy 2007 Nancy Hart Glanville, mother of John H. Glanville 1977 Faith R. Glazier 1987, parent of Caroline Weisstuch 2019 Margaret E. 1980 2013P and Bennett J. Goodman 2013P, parents of Alexander E. Goodman 2013 Marianne G. and John Gorcsan III, parents of Emily Catherine Gorcsan 2014 Lois S. and Leonard C. Green, parents of Jonathan I. Green 1992 Margaret H. 1979G 2004P and Andrew A. Greenawalt 1976G 2004P, parents of Daniel A. Greenawalt 2004 Eleanor S. Greene, parent of Myal Greene 2001 Lynne and Mark Hammerschlag, parents of Alexander K. Hammerschlag 2008 Regina M. Hartzell, mother of Paul F. Hartzell, Jr. 1975 Andrea 1983G 1986G 2007G 2007P 2011P 2017P and Martin Harmer 2007P 2011P, parents of Matthew P. Harmer 2007, Benjamin M. Harmer 2011, and Laura J. Pressler 2017 Mary Ann Shipherd Hazen, daughter of John Jay Shipherd III 1921, sister of John Jay Shipherd IV 1946, and mother of Anne Hazen Brendel 1978 David and Kathy Heinz, parents of Stefanie M. Heinz 2016 Kathryn Iacocca Hentz and Ned C. Hentz, parents of Parker L. Hentz 2017 Beverly Y. 1987 and Adam R. Hess 1987, parents of Jordan Hess 2018 Valerie Smith Hirsch 1983 and Thomas E. Hirsch III 1975, parents of Edward Thomas Hirsch 2010 Julie and Jordan Hitch 1988, parents of Charles Hitch 2020 and Tyler Hitch 2021 Christopher D. Hite 1989, parent of Madison Hite 2020 and Alexandra Hite 2024 Stanley Ho, parent of Edward Ho 2003 Robert M. Holbert, father of Alvah Holbert 1968 and grandfather of Todd Holbert 1996 Leo and Gertrude Holz, parents of John B. Holz 1964 and grandparents of David A. Holz 1993 Kathleen and Lawrence Hough, parents of Todd Hough 1998 Kathleen and Robert Hugin, parents of Robert Hugin 2016 Marcia May and Edward W. Hummers 1958, parents of Richard G. Hummers 1981 and grandparents of Kimberly C. Hummers 2007 Mrs. Judith T. Humphrey, mother of Stefan Reinhardt 1996 Dave 1973 and Robin Ingram, parents of Daniel Oliver Ingram 2009 and Lucas Peter Ingram 2013 David S. Ivill and Vincent J. Weiner, parents of Nathaniel J. Ivill-Weiner 2025 Michelle and Joseph Jacobs, parents of Stephanie S. Jacobs 2007 and David A. Jacobs 2008 Nathalie T. and Leo A. Joseph, parents of Kiva R. Joseph 2023 Linda Kagan-Horowitz 1986, parent of Jared Horowitz 2018 and Elliot Horowitz 2021 Kathryn and Larry Keele, parents of Eliot A. Keele 2007 Sally and Charles Kiefer, Sr., parents of Charles W. Kiefer 1971 Ed and Patty Knapp, parents of Keith Knapp 2016 Robert S. and Laura Langer, parents of Michael D. Langer 2013 Mr. and Mrs. Morton M. Lapides, Sr. 1991P, parents of Matthew A. Lapides 1991 Ann Lewnes 1983 and Greg Welch, parents of George T. Welch 2022 Mrs. Brigitte Loewy Linz, grandmother of Thomas G. Linz 2014 Jim 1960 and Hazel Long, parents of Mark K. Long 1987 Nancy Mahlbacher Reilly, mother of James J. Mahlbacher 1980 Sharon and James Maida 1985, parents of Lauren A. Maida 2017 and Alexis T. Maida 2019 Robert 1957 and Elaine Maida, parents of Joseph C. Maida 1983, James R. Maida 1985, and Jeanette Maida Brick 1986; and grandparents of Lauren A. Maida 2017 and Alexis T. Maida 2019 Frank M. Masters, parent of Frank M. Masters, Jr. 1951 Susan K. McDaniel 1953W 1979P 1981P, mother of Gary A. Goelz 1979, Glenn B. Goelz 1979, and Gregory C. Goelz 1981 Gretchen Z. Miller, mother of Heidi H. Miller 1990 Cynthia J. and Jeffrey S. Miller, parents of dePaul S. Miller 2020 Janet and Edward Miller, parents of Kristen Miller 2005 Thomas and Joy Mistele, parents of Colin Mistele 2007 Barbara J. Moll, mother of Marcia Moll Barone 1986 Bonnie and Edward Morris, parents of E. Tyler Morris 1998, Zachary Morris 1995 and Hunter Morris 2002