Health Data Warehouse (HDW): this collaboration between the COH and the College of Business houses clinical, billing, administrative and community-based health data including an on-premise server, HIPAA compliant cloud-based storage and access to Lehigh’s High Capacity Computing Environment. At full strength, the HDW will provide services for researchers including de-identified data extracts, data analytics and modeling, and data fusion. Children’s Environmental Precision Health Institute (CEPH): seeks to better understand the impact of environmental exposures that link to diseases in order to detect, intervene and prevent high-risk infants and toddlers from developing irreversible impairment to reaching their physical and intellectual potential. Institute of Health Policy & Politics (IHPP): conducts research and academic and professional training on political analysis and policy-making processes while raising awareness of the role of domestic and international health policymaking and the broader political contexts influencing population health. Institute for Indigenous Studies (IIS): partners and collaborates with Indigenous peoples, nations and organizations throughout the Western Hemisphere to improve their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being; to identify the current health and education needs of this community using a multi-level, socio-ecological framework; and, to partner with tribal and local organizations, colleges, universities and other academic institutions to develop culturally appropriate research methodologies that address health and education. COH faculty are also involved in three interdisciplinary research institutes based in engineering: Institute for Functional Materials and Devices; Institute for Data, Intelligent Systems and Computation; and Institute for Cyber Physical Infrastructure and Energy. Research The College of Health is the nexus of health research at Lehigh and is home to three interdisciplinary research institutes that excel at focused and multidisciplinary studies, working together to solve health problems both locally and globally. 16 Left, an Admiral Rachel Levine visit hosted by IHPP and, above, COH students conduct research for IIS at the largest powwow in the nation.