In December 2020, Elizabeth “Beth” Dolan, former deputy provost for graduate education at Lehigh, was named interim dean of the College of Health. Beth first came to Lehigh in 2001 and brings a non-traditional background in health to a college that is intentionally challenging its faculty and students to look at the world of health, and health problems, in new and different ways. She earned her B.A. in English at Davidson College and her master’s and doctorate in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She later served as senior fellow in literature and medicine at the UNC School of Medicine. She researches the expression of suffering in narrative, focusing on the ways novel forms of expression intervene to address the social and political causes of emotional pain and ill health Beth continued her work in health and health-related fields by serving as founding director of the Health, Medicine and Society Program in the Lehigh College of Arts and Sciences, successfully co-leading the effort to create a cluster hire in community health before there was a College of Health, and serving on the committee that competed successfully for a cluster hire in community health and she served on the committee that designed the Grants for Experiential Learning in Health to fund student research and apprenticeship opportunities in the health arena. Most recently, as the university's first deputy provost for graduate education, she worked to develop additional financial support and career opportunities for graduate students and championed an industryinformed approach to doctoral education. Outside of Lehigh, she was the founding director of the board of the PA Medical Humanities Consortium, now folded into the National Health Humanities Consortium. Leadership From left, Board Chair Vincent Forlenza '75, Interim Dean Elizabeth "Beth" Dolan, Lehigh President Joseph Helble ’82 and Lehigh Provost Nathan Urban. 9 Beth works with a 15member Dean’s Advisory Council made up of corporate, healthcare, NGO and private-sector leaders who share their expertise, guide policy, provide sponsorship and offer student experiential learning opportunities. Meet them here.