20 LEHIGH UNIVERSITY | COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCES Asa Packer was a post-Civil War pioneer who, after building a thriving railroad and coal-mining empire in the mountains of Pennsylvania, turned his attention to education. He knew, as many others of his era did, that a strong economy depends not only on technical skills, but on generations of people who are broadly educated in the liberal arts and sciences—people who could combine the practical with the aesthetic, and whose love of knowledge would lead them into a lifetime of learning, growth and discovery. He knew that the fertile minds of a broadly educated populace would lead to the general improvement of mankind through art, culture, science and innovation. Packer’s broad vision lives on today in Lehigh’s College of Arts and Sciences. College of Arts and Sciences 9 West Packer Avenue | 223 Maginnes Hall | Bethlehem, PA 18015 cas.lehigh.edu | incas@lehigh.edu | (610) 758-3300 Christa Neu CAS.Lehigh lehigh_cas lehighu-cas @lehigh_cas @Lehigh_CAS